C-Labo 2024/08/27 00:41

Ci-en 1000フォロワー数突破ありがとうございます!

(Claude.ai が書きました)

Ci-en 1000フォロワー数突破ありがとうございます!

Thank you for reaching 1000 followers on Ci-en!


Thank you all so much! First, I'd like to move towards completing the demo version for DLsite (even if I get sidetracked sometimes). I may occasionally go off on tangents, but I hope you'll watch over me warmly.


Ancient Script on the Body


The illustration I've shared this time is a contract scene that occurs after obtaining a black page, which I'm currently working on. Inspired by the ghost story "Hoichi the Earless," I came up with a scene where the contract of "wisdom" can be renewed by wrapping a strip-like black page around the body and transferring ancient script onto it. I'm thinking of repurposing this for the character image in the erotic status screen as well.


However, if I implement this idea as is, creating the differential images might become quite challenging...


In terms of implementation, if I create nude body parts and make the band part three-dimensional with a 3D model, it might not be too much trouble. Projection mapping-like expressions (scrolling textures) are also possible, and the unevenness created by the letters floating on the body feels erotic to me, so I think it might work.


There's also a rope bondage-like atmosphere, so if I try to animate the sense of flesh being tied or the jiggling... I feel like I'd never have enough time. Maybe it's becoming too high quality? But if it's just a slight overall wobble like a "tying up" motion, I think I could achieve that in a short time.




