C-Labo 2024/09/23 01:01




Deepening the Story in Eroge: Enhancing Game Appeal through Narrative Expression


Hello everyone, and thank you for always following our blog. We're thrilled to announce that we've surpassed 1200 followers! This achievement is all thanks to your warm support. We're truly grateful.


To celebrate this milestone, we'd like to change things up a bit and write a short column about game development. (Yes, this is our special 1200 follower commemoration post!) Today's theme is "Narrative Expression." Let's explore this crucial yet often overlooked element that adds depth to games.


What is Narrative Expression?


Narrative expression is a technique that conveys the story through environment, situations, and subtle expressions, rather than lavish movies or fully voiced ADV scenes. It's a magical way of stimulating the player's imagination, making them think, "Hm? Is something happening?"


While lavish presentations are certainly attractive, sometimes subtle expressions can stimulate imagination more, creating a deeper sense of immersion. For instance, a heroine's slight gesture or a prop in the background can unfold a grand story in the player's mind.


Narrative Expression in Eroge


In the world of eroge, narrative expression is particularly effective. Rather than relying solely on explicit descriptions or direct dialogue, players can become more deeply immersed in the story by interpreting subtle changes in atmosphere or hidden meanings in casual conversations.


For example, consider an NTR (netorare) scenario. Instead of a long, fully-voiced explanatory scene, subtle descriptions like "her hairstyle is slightly disheveled" or "a sweet scent lingers in the room" can suggest the situation. This is the essence of narrative expression.

最近のエロゲー業界でも、このナラティブ表現を巧みに活用した作品が注目を集めています。個人的な話になりますが、最近出たドット絵作品で、ナラティブ表現を見事に活用しているのが、こぐま企画さんの「TENTACLES INVASION」です。この作品は、豪華なグラフィックやフルボイスに頼らず、ドット絵の特性を活かしつつ、緻密なナラティブ表現で物語を紡いでいきます。

Recently in the eroge industry, works that skillfully utilize narrative expression have been gaining attention. Personally, a recent pixel art game that excellently employs narrative expression is "TENTACLES INVASION" by Koguma Planning. This work weaves its story through meticulous narrative expression, leveraging the characteristics of pixel art without relying on luxurious graphics or full voice acting.


Notably, this work uses synthetic voice narration. At first glance, mechanical synthetic voices might seem to detract from immersion. However, in reality, the matter-of-fact narration paradoxically creates an erotic atmosphere. This "discrepancy" stimulates the player's imagination, creating a unique tension and anticipation.


Challenging Narrative Expression in "Magi-Iki"

さて、ここで少し個人的な話をさせてください。実は、このナラティブ表現、私の性癖というか、個人的にとても惹かれるものなんです。そのため、現在作成中の『マジイキ 落第魔女とHな魔手』の開発では、ついつい力が入ってしまい、あちこちでナラティブ表現の可能性を探ってしまいます。

Let me share a personal note. I'm actually quite drawn to this narrative expression technique. As a result, in the development of "Magi-Iki: The Failing Witch and the Erotic Magical Hands," which I'm currently creating, I find myself getting carried away, exploring the possibilities of narrative expression throughout the game.


For instance, in the magical hand formation screen, equipped hands fly around Arina, and when exceeding the summoning limit, they play mischief to indicate that formation is not possible. This isn't just a system limitation, but a product of my imagination... no, creativity in expressing it as part of the game world.


Also, in the contract screen, Arina's reactions change based on player choices, and the contract's imprint appears on her body in real-time. This, too, is born from a desire to visually and narratively express character growth, rather than just a parameter increase.


Honestly, I'm not yet confident whether these subtle directorial touches will be conveyed to all players. But I hope that by pursuing the possibilities of narrative expression, we can provide a deeper sense of immersion and new experiences. With this expectation in mind, I work on development every day.


I secretly hope that you all will enjoy these subtle expressions through your gameplay... that's my modest wish as a developer.


Conclusion: A New World Born from Imagination


In the end, the essence of narrative expression lies in maximizing the player's imagination. Especially in eroge, imagination is the greatest weapon. It's about striking that perfect balance - not too direct, yet not unsatisfying. This delicate balance is the true essence of narrative expression.


Side Note: New Zelda and the Future of "Magi-Iki" Development

最後に少し個人的な話をさせてください。『ゼルダの伝説 知恵のかりもの』が2024年9月26日に発売予定とのことで、個人的にも大変楽しみにしています。正直なところ、発売後はしばらくプレイに没頭してしまい、『マジイキ』の開発にも影響が出るかもしれません。申し訳ありません。

Lastly, let me share a personal note. "The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom" is set to release on September 26, 2024, and I'm personally very excited about it. To be honest, I might be absorbed in playing it for a while after its release, which could affect the development of "Magi-Iki". I apologize in advance.

「あ、このギミック、エロく改造できるかも!」なんて閃きが頭をよぎるかもしれません。それらの"インスピレーション"を『マジイキ』の開発に活かし、より...魅力的な作品に仕上げていく所存です。プレイング中は メモを取る手が止まらないかもしれませんね。
However, don't worry... probably. While playing Zelda, I'm sure (hopefully) ideas for "Magi-Iki" will come raining down.
I might have flashes of inspiration like, "Oh, I could make an erotic version of this gimmick!"
I intend to apply these "inspirations" to the development of "Magi-Iki", making it an even more... appealing work.
I might not be able to stop taking notes while playing!


I'm truly grateful for your support of "Magi-Iki". While I'll be experiencing the new Zelda, I'll make sure to steadily progress with "Magi-Iki"'s development. Please continue to support "Magi-Iki". And let's enjoy the new world of Zelda together!







