
2024年 08月の記事 (8)

C-Labo 2024/08/30 12:01



「マジイキ 落第まじょとHな魔手」開発近況報告

"Magi-Iki: The Failing Witch and the Erotic Magical Hands" Development Update

Hello everyone! Here's an update on this week's development progress.


This Week's Progress

  • 今週は.exeの更新はありません
  • There is no .exe update this week


We are diligently working on the contract scene and erotic status screen. For the contract scene, we're particularly exploring ways to depict ancient script being imprinted on the body.


Introducing Arina's Status Screen


- 魔法学園の成績
- エロステータス
- ゲーム内のえっちな体験の回数

We'd like to introduce Arina's status screen. On this screen, you can check the following information:

  • Magic Academy grades
  • Erotic status
  • Number of erotic experiences in the game


We're aiming for a status screen that stimulates the imagination, making players think, "Was I really feeling like this inside during battles?" To achieve this, we're carefully considering the items to include and how to present them.


Considering the Enhancement and Development System


We're also putting a lot of thought into the enhancement and development system. Recently, we've been having passionate discussions with Claude.AI about "panties". We're aiming for a system that's both fun and well-balanced with the game.


Development Progress


Due to the time spent on verification and consideration, development is taking a bit longer. However, we're proceeding carefully to provide a better gaming experience, so we appreciate your patience a little longer.

皆様のご支援とフィードバックに感謝いたします。今後とも「マジイキ 落第まじょとHな魔手」の開発にご期待ください!

We thank you for your support and feedback. Please look forward to the continued development of "Magi-Iki: The Failing Witch and the Erotic Magical Hands"!






C-Labo 2024/08/27 00:41

Ci-en 1000フォロワー数突破ありがとうございます!

(Claude.ai が書きました)

Ci-en 1000フォロワー数突破ありがとうございます!

Thank you for reaching 1000 followers on Ci-en!


Thank you all so much! First, I'd like to move towards completing the demo version for DLsite (even if I get sidetracked sometimes). I may occasionally go off on tangents, but I hope you'll watch over me warmly.


Ancient Script on the Body


The illustration I've shared this time is a contract scene that occurs after obtaining a black page, which I'm currently working on. Inspired by the ghost story "Hoichi the Earless," I came up with a scene where the contract of "wisdom" can be renewed by wrapping a strip-like black page around the body and transferring ancient script onto it. I'm thinking of repurposing this for the character image in the erotic status screen as well.


However, if I implement this idea as is, creating the differential images might become quite challenging...


In terms of implementation, if I create nude body parts and make the band part three-dimensional with a 3D model, it might not be too much trouble. Projection mapping-like expressions (scrolling textures) are also possible, and the unevenness created by the letters floating on the body feels erotic to me, so I think it might work.


There's also a rope bondage-like atmosphere, so if I try to animate the sense of flesh being tied or the jiggling... I feel like I'd never have enough time. Maybe it's becoming too high quality? But if it's just a slight overall wobble like a "tying up" motion, I think I could achieve that in a short time.



C-Labo 2024/08/23 12:01


(Claude.ai が書きました)

「マジイキ 落第まじょとHな魔手」ver0.05アップデート概要

"Magi-Iki: The Failing Witch and the Erotic Magical Hands" ver0.05 Update Overview

こんにちは、みなさん! 待望の「マジイキ 落第まじょとHな魔手」ver0.05アップデートの詳細をお知らせします。今回のアップデートでは、ゲームプレイをより深く、より刺激的にする新機能が多数追加されました。それでは、主な変更点を見ていきましょう。

Hello everyone! We're excited to announce the details of the much-anticipated ver0.05 update for "Magi-Iki: The Failing Witch and the Erotic Magical Hands". This update introduces several new features that will make the gameplay deeper and more exciting. Let's take a look at the main changes.

1. 「はいてないモード」追加

  1. Addition of "No Panty Mode"

    大胆な冒険を求めるプレイヤーの皆さまに朗報です! 新たに「はいてないモード」が高難度オプションとして実装されました。
  • 各禁書庫クリア後に選択可能 (※今回のアップデートでは未実装)
  • パンティなしでスタート、より刺激的な展開に
  • 「性感」が2倍に、ただしダメージも2倍に
  • 召喚数上限に制限あり、戦略性がより重要に (※今回のアップデートでは未実装)
  • 三回目のボス出現、追加の黒ページ獲得チャンス (※今回のアップデートでは未実装)
  • よりリスキーな展開、ボス攻撃で即非処女化の可能性も


Great news for players seeking a bolder adventure! The new "No Panty Mode" has been implemented as a high-difficulty option.

  • Selectable after clearing each forbidden library (not implemented in this update)
  • Start without panties for more stimulating developments
  • "Arousal" is doubled, but damage taken is also doubled
  • Summoning limit is restricted, making strategy more important (not implemented in this update)
  • Third boss appearance, chance to gain additional black pages (not implemented in this update)
  • Riskier scenarios, possibility of instant deflowering from boss attacks

This mode is perfect for users who want a more hardcore play experience. It requires high-risk, high-return strategies, further enhancing the game's essence.

2. インターバルえっちの選択肢機能追加

  1. Addition of Interval Erotic Choice Function

  • ゲームオーバー時に毎回発生するADVシーンを「えっちな雰囲気」は残しつつスキップ可能に
  • プレイヤーの好みに応じて、壁の後ろで起こっている状況を見るか、即座にゲームプレイに戻るかを選択可能
  • リプレイ時やスピーディなプレイを望むユーザーにとっても便利な機能
  • 演出は現在シチュエーション毎に変化 (※今回のアップデートでは未実装)
  • インターバルえっちでADVを選択しなくても改めてギャラリーで閲覧できる (※今回のアップデートでは未実装)
  • インターバルえっちで「即リトライ」 (※必要かどうか検討中)


A new feature that allows you to enjoy the game according to your play style!

  • Option to skip ADV scenes that occur after game over while maintaining the "erotic atmosphere"
  • Choose to witness the situations happening behind the wall or return immediately to gameplay based on player preference
  • Convenient feature for replays or users who want speedy gameplay
  • Presentation currently varies by situation (not implemented in this update)
  • Even if you don't choose the ADV in the interval erotic scenes, you can view them later in the gallery (not implemented in this update)
  • "Instant Retry" option in interval erotic scenes (under consideration for necessity)

This feature allows you to progress through the game at your own pace. Whether you prefer to focus on the story or the action, you can now enjoy the game your way.

3. セーブ機能追加

  1. Addition of Save Function

長時間プレイも安心! ついにセーブ機能が追加されました。

  • プレイ進行状況を保存可能に
  • 探索帰還後のタイミングでオートセーブ
  • 探索途中のセーブ (※今回のアップデートでは未実装)


- 現在、セーブデータを消すオプションは未実装です。
- セーブデータをリセットしたい場合は、以下のフォルダの中身を削除してください:

Play for long hours with peace of mind! The save function has finally been added.

  • Ability to save game progress
  • Auto-save after returning from exploration
  • Mid-exploration save (not implemented in this update)

This allows you to enjoy the game at your own pace. Look forward to mid-exploration saves in future updates!

- Currently, there's no option to delete save data.
- To reset save data, delete the contents of the following folder:


Regarding Bug Fixes


We apologize, but there hasn't been significant progress on bug fixes this week. We continue to work on improvements, so we appreciate your patience a little longer.


In Conclusion

今回のアップデートで、「マジイキ 落第まじょとHな魔手」はさらに深みのあるゲームになりました。新機能の中には現在未実装のものもありますが、今後のアップデートで順次追加していく予定です。



With this update, "Magi-Iki: The Failing Witch and the Erotic Magical Hands" has become an even deeper game. While some new features are not yet implemented, we plan to add them in future updates.

We look forward to your feedback. Please enjoy the new features and let us know your thoughts!

Have a great gaming experience!






C-Labo 2024/08/16 22:40

【Versión 0.04d】Fix:Velocidad y tamaño de slimes

Versión 0.04d: Corrección de errores de aceleración/agrandamiento de slimes

Lamentamos mucho la demora. Al revisar el contenido de los datos maestros, nos dimos cuenta de que las secciones que manejan el tamaño y la velocidad de los monstruos estaban utilizando decimales. Después de consultar con Claude.ai sobre la posibilidad de que surgieran problemas al manejar decimales en los datos maestros y convertirlos dentro del programa, descubrimos que en algunos países se utiliza la coma (",") en lugar del punto (".") para representar los decimales. Es probable que esta sea la causa del problema actual.
Hemos creado una versión modificada para solucionar este problema. Por favor, pruébenla.

Es posible que otros países que utilizan la coma para los decimales estén experimentando problemas similares.
En el futuro, cambiaremos la forma en que manejamos estos valores, por lo que si esta es la causa, es probable que el problema no vuelva a ocurrir.
Si surgen problemas relacionados con caracteres de doble byte, los abordaremos por separado. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que esto requeriría una revisión bastante extensa, por lo que si esta es la causa, la solución podría demorarse.
Agradecemos su paciencia y comprensión.






C-Labo 2024/08/16 12:01


今回から英語訳を追加しました。 海外の方にも内容が伝わりやすくなればと思います。ゲーム内はしばらく未対応ですので、ご了承ください。
From this post, we've added English translations. We hope this makes the content more accessible to our international audience.
Please note that the game itself will not have English support for the time being.

Ci-en 900フォロワー突破!

Thank you for 900 followers on Ci-en!


We deeply appreciate your support. Please continue to support us!
While we've surpassed our Twitter follower count, we're hoping to post some spicy content today.

先行体験版 Ver0.04b 更新内容

Early Access Version 0.04 Update


We've added three new ADV scenes before the main gameplay:

  1. 絶頂から始まる出会い (更新)
    An Encounter Born from Ecstasy (updated)
  2. オサナ魔女の叡智な解答 new
    The Young Witch's Wise Answer new
  3. 叡智と穴と禁書庫の秘密 new
    The Secret of Wisdom, Holes, and the Forbidden Library new
    Note: We have updated to Ver0.04b as there was a critical bug that made it nearly impossible to progress when players carefully viewed the ADV using the sequence function before moving to the forbidden library.


Improvement of the Solo Play Scene: Profile Version


We've added hands to the opening solo play scene and adjusted existing parts for a more erotic expression.


The "hand" expression in the Monogatari PV I recently saw on X(Twitter) was impressive. I'm considering adding similar writhing hands around this solo play scene.


Plans for the DLSite Demo Version


While we'd like to add more ADV scenes to the demo, we're prioritizing bug fixes. We plan to add a scene after returning from the forbidden library and use this as the basic structure for the ADV part of the DLSite demo.

Other elements planned for the demo version:

  • はいてないモード (難易度選択オプション)
    No Panty Mode (difficulty selection option)
  • エロステータス表示
    Erotic Status Display
  • エロトラップのグラフィック差し替え
    Graphic replacement for erotic traps
  • セーブ機能の有効化
    Save function activation
  • 掛け声ボイスの実装
    Implementation of vocal reactions


Progress on Bug Fixes


Currently, we haven't started on bug fixes. We plan to tackle them after implementing all the main elements of the demo version.






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