seismic's Plans

    • ドリンク無料プラン

    • Follows


    • オリジナルキャラクター『パントラちゃん』の動画を初めとしたエッチな作品を公開します。また、近況報告や作品リリースなどのアナウンスも行います。 動画内容は各種SNS(Twitter、Bluesky)に投稿される動画と同じか、より高画質・高解像度のものになります。 I will release sexually explicit works, including videos of our original character “Pantra-chan”. This will be a status report, announcements of artwork sales, etc. The content will be the same as the free plan, and will be the same as or a higher quality, higher resolution version of the video that will be posted on various SNS (Twitter, Bluesky).

    • まかないプラン

    • Monthly Cost: 100 yen plan

      1 supporters

    • 無料プランと同じ内容です。「応援・支援したいけど、基本的にはDL販売作品待ちです」な方や、「めっちゃ抜けそうな動画のときだけ高額プランにするぜ!」という方も是非。 The content will be the same as the free plan. For those who want to support us, but are basically waiting for the selled product version, or for those who only want to pay the higher plan when they see a movie that they think will be really good, we welcome you to join.

    • A Discord server invite is included as a perk.[ Help ]

    • 日替わり定食プラン

    • Monthly Cost: 550 yen plan

      11 supporters

    • 基本プランになります。乳首公開。エッチの場合、射精シーンまであり。 各サイトの規定に基づいた性器の修正は入ります。 違法アップ対策になると聞いたので+50円しています。悪しからずや。 Basic plan. Nipple disclosure. In case of sex, there is even an ejaculation scene. Genitalia modification based on each site's regulation will be included.

    • A Discord server invite is included as a perk.[ Help ]

    • シェフの気まぐれプラン

    • Monthly Cost: 1,100 yen plan

      23 supporters

    • 基本プランで提供した動画に加え… ・衣裳、髪型パターン違い ・小道具、シチュエーション違い ・ピストン長尺化 ・大量射精、追い射精  といった、オカズとして嬉しい差分・バリエーションを提供します(何が追加されるかはシェフの気まぐれです)。μ爛々があまり得意分野じゃないシチュエーションを頑張って作った場合や、流血・グロを伴う内容の場合もこちらで公開します。  基本動画より提供タイミングが少し遅れる可能性があります(同じ月に収まるようにはします)。ご了承ください。 In addition to the videos provided in the basic plan... - Different costumes and hairstyle patterns - Different props and situations - Longer piston movements - Massive ejaculations, chase ejaculations We provide variations and additions that will be great for wanking (what gets added is at the whim of the chef). If myuRanRan tries hard to create a situation that isn't their forte, or if the content includes blood or gore, they will also be released here. The timing of release may be slightly delayed compared to the basic videos (we will try to make it within the same month). Thank you for your understanding.

    • A Discord server invite is included as a perk.[ Help ]

  • About Paid Plans

  • 毎月月末の自動更新で料金が発生します。


  • You can end your support for a creator or change plans anytime.

    Changing to a lower plan will not result in an extra charge, as the content included is the same. Changing to a higher plan will result in a charge for the difference in the cost of your current monthly plan and the new plan.

    * Exempting the last day of the month from 21:00~ to the first of the following month at 00:00.

  • Creator articles posted during a month you supported can be viewed even if you are no longer supporting them.

    Creator articles from a month during which you supported can be viewed even if you've stopped supporting them. If you end support for a creator during a month, you can still view all new articles that release until the end of that month. (* Please note that past articles can be hidden or deleted at the creator's discretion.)

  • How to use

    • Ci-en is not a marketplace.

    • Ci-en is a platform dedicated to supporting creators. It is not for the registration review for users, or creators, or plan contents.

      Please see [What is Ci-en?] for more information about keeping Ci-en an open and creative environment for all users.

    • About Payment Methods

    • お支払いはクレジットカード、あと払い(ペイディ)、DLポイントを選択できます。

      • JCB
      • paidy
    • DLポイントの購入には、上記クレジットカードブランド、ペイディに加えて、以下の決済方法が選択できます。

      • Electronic money
      • Internet banking
      • Convenience Store Advance Payment
      • Bank Transfer
      • BitCash
    • [ DLsiteのポイントを購入したい ]

  • FAQ