
体操着の記事 (2)

Ai-soletty 2024/06/05 16:57

師匠の高校時代2 Master's high school years2





A group of boys with serious faces were huddled together in a corner of the classroom. One of them opened his heavy mouth.
"I'm sorry if I'm looking at this the wrong way, but..."
They all gulped and waited for his next words.
"Isn't Ayuhara's big?"
Everyone's faces lit up at his question.
"Yes! Her tits are huge!"
They unanimously agreed.
The topic they were discussing today was the size of Kyoko Ayuhara.
"And, she's not wearing that, is she?"
"Yes! she's definitely not wearing a bra, is she? I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought so..."
One of them agreed and patted his chest as if relieved.
"No one pointed it out to her, so I thought those protrusions I was seeing were illusions that only I could see."
They were all relieved to see that what they were seeing was not an illusion.

"No one pointed it out to her, so I thought those protrusions I was seeing were illusions that only I could see."
They were all relieved to see that what they were seeing was not an illusion.
"No, don't get me started on those protrusions...why doesn't she wear a bra...I'm sitting next to her so I get to see it all the time. Then I get an erection all the time. Is she trying to seduce me?"
"She might actually be seducing you. Go ahead and try."
"No, but I heard there are a lot of guys who actually tried. Including upperclassmen, more than ten people have confessed their feelings to Ayuhara."
"I've heard that too. I hear she gets a lot of confessions from girls."
"So? Is she dating someone? Is someone sucking on those tits?"
"I don't think so! You know Ayuhara's personality? She's blunt, unfriendly, and there's nothing charming about her. She talks like a samurai."
"Her face is my super favorite...but she's so damn unapproachable..."

They turned to a seat in the corner of the classroom.
She is a girl with a short cut who is sitting on a chair with her legs boldly spread apart, drinking a glass of juice and chatting with her friends. Her name is Kyoko Ayuhara.
"But isn't she a little thick?"
"Are you an idiot? She's very athletic! Didn't you see her in gymnastics class the other day?"
"Yeah, I saw it! She was doing a lot of those somersaults with her tits bouncing around."
"I heard she's a good swimmer, but more importantly, she's a badass in that swimsuit."
"Really? Last time I saw her, she didn't look like an athletic person. She sucks at basketball."
"She was also super bad at soccer. She fell down three times trying to kick the ball. She looked so hot in her gym clothes, though."
There are many mysteries about her. She doesn't seem to belong to any club activities and goes home immediately after school.

Then suddenly one of them hit his hand as if remembering.
"Oh, by the way, the guys from the karate club said they asked Ayuhara for help, right? Said it was because they were going to have a match for the right to use the civic gymnasium or something."
"Huh? Our karate club is a men's karate club. Why would they ask Ayuhara to help them?"
"They said that Ayuhara is very strong. The other party is from Gesu High, so they said they don't want to lose to him."
"Gesu High School is that super yankee high school! And the karate club there is pretty strong! The actuality is, they can't! Our karate club is so weak!!"
"So that's why they asked Ayuhara to help them. The loser must get down on their knees in the nude, so they can't lose."

Kneeling down in the nude?
And Ayuhara too?
They looked back at her, imagining the scene.
It looks interesting! Let's go see it! Where is this match going to be held?
"I heard it's going to be at Gesu-high's gym this coming Thursday.
"Seriously, that's impossible! There's no way we can go to the home of the delinquents!"
"In the first place, are you going to get down on your knees in the nude in the midst of such a nest of delinquents? That Ayuhara..."
They looked back at Ayuhara again. Imagining the fate that awaited her, they cleared their throats.



Ai-soletty 2024/03/31 01:03

披露宴の後で…After the reception...

「ああこれか? やるのはいいがドレスがシワになるのは嫌だと言ったら、この部屋には着替えがいっぱいあるらしくてな、そこから選んでいいらしいのだ。だから動きやすいかと思ってこれにした。なぁにたった5人だ、すぐ終わる。さぁ、誰からやるのだ?何なら全員まとめて相手してやってもいいぞ?」

"Oh, Shotaro? You can eat dinner first. I'll be home late tonight."
It was late in the evening when I received a call from my master.
She was in a good mood and seemed to be very drunk.
"I haven't seen my classmates in a while, We decided to stay up all night having fun!"
All night...?
I had a bad feeling about this, and I involuntarily swallowed my spit.
"Well...if you can't come home, I can pick you up?"
"Don't worry, I have a room to stay. Someone joked with me, 'Just one match please!!' so I said, "Ok! Let's do it!" that everyone else started saying, 'Me too! Me too!' So we rented a big room in a hotel and everyone agreed to do it together. I heard we have big beds so we can all sleep well, so don't worry."
'One match please? Do it together? we can all sleep well?'
While my blood is pumping, I can hear the excited cheers of the men on the other end of the phone.
"Yeah! Are you her disciple? I'm borrowing your beautiful master tonight!"
"Kyoko! You look so good in gym clothes! I can't take it anymore!"
I was horrified by the men's tone of voice, clearly looking for sex.
"Hey! Master! What do you mean by gym clothes? You can't be serious...!?"
"Oh, you mean this? Well, I said 'I didn't mind doing it, but I didn't want my dress to get wrinkled' , so they told me 'there were plenty of changes of clothes in this room, and I could choose from them.' So I decided on this one because I thought it would be easier to move around in. Well, there are only five of us, so it won't take long. Now, who wants to do first? If you want, I can deal with all of them together!"
Master was laughing in a good mood, provoking the men.
The beasts could be heard screaming maniacally.
"Yeeeee! Let's do it! till morning!"
My mind was filled with images of my master in his gym uniform being sandwiched between men and having this and that done to him.
I was so excited that I thought to myself, "So, Shotaro. I'll be back in the morning. I'll be back in the morning after having a lot of fun. See you later!"
The master hung up the phone in a good mood.
How can I sleep after such a phone call!!



