
3DCGの記事 (65)

Ai-soletty 2024/03/15 10:21

師匠とバイトMaster & part-time job

As I was leaving school, I bumped into my master on the train.
"Oh, Shotaro. What a coincidence. Are you back now?"
"Yes, I just finished. Are you going out somewhere today...?"
I swallowed my saliva at the sight of Master's attire.
'Why are Master's private clothes always so erotic...?'
"I just came from a job interview. We have no income, so I have to work. I can't live on your grandfather's savings forever."
"'I-interview? You went to a job interview dressed like that?"
"What do you mean, "dressed like that"? This is the outfit my darling picked out for me because he thought it was cute!
"But you can't go to a job interview dressed like that! Didn't they scold you?"
"You idiot! Of course I wore what they asked me to wear! I wore this because they told me to wear something as cute as possible, which I usually wear."
I had a bad premonition and asked Master fearfully.
"What job interview was that...?"
My master, annoyed by my persistence, turned her attention back to the book.
"That's massage work. I know a little bit about chiropractic. This job has flexible working hours and the pay is unbeatable. It's hard to find a job with such good conditions. The moment I found this job on the Internet, I immediately applied for it. As in martial arts, opportunities are fleeting. Any hesitation will lead to immediate defeat. Remember that well."
My master sniffed and then began to lecture me.
Oh, that's..., You know, that kind of massage....
"So, Master.... What was the result of the interview?
"Of course, I was hired immediately. They asked me to start working for them today, but I refused, saying that I was busy with my apprentice's training today. My job training starts tomorrow..."
"Job-training is outrageous! Please call them to decline employment now! Right now!"
The men who were listening around me were startled by my loud voice.
I heard that Master forgot her seal today, so she hadn't written the contract yet.
If Master hadn't forgotten her seal today, I would have gone to that massage parlor and let her squeeze out all my savings and semen.



Ai-soletty 2024/03/12 13:51

師匠とバナナ Master and Banana


"Oh! Your new underwear looks great on you!"
Master was busily getting ready in the morning, wearing the underwear I had picked out for him.
"Why didn't you wake me up? I told you there was a town hall meeting today!”
"I woke you up, three times. I woke you up three times, but you didn't wake up! I was kicked by you."
When I told her the truth, she couldn't say anything anymore and started to look for a change of clothes.
"Master, breakfast..."
"I don't have time. Just a banana."
Master roughly grabbed a banana and started peeling it, annoyed.
I didn't miss the moment when she put it in her mouth.
"Master! Don't move!"
Suddenly, I shouted so loudly that Master stiffened with the banana still in her mouth.
"Fa... fa...? (Wha...?)"
I stared earnestly at Master's lips as he stared at me in astonishment.
"Can you slowly, slowly check the back side of that banana with your tongue?”
Seeing the serious look on my face, she may have sensed that I was in for something serious, so she took the banana in her touth and slowly ran her tongue over the underside of it.
I cleared my throat, confirming that Master's tongue was longer and more dexterous than I had expected.
"Please keep moving the banana back and forth slowly. Slowly. Be careful..."
Master followed my instructions with trepidation, moving the banana back and forth in his lips.
I succeeded in inputting the information into my brain memory.
"Hmm... I'm okay now. Now I can make progress tonight. Thank you very much..."
"What was this time for!?"
The next moment, Master's kick struck me in the temple.
But I have no regrets.



Ai-soletty 2024/03/11 03:01

師匠の鍛錬 Master's Training


My school is High school evening classes, so it is late at night by the time I get home from class.
But that day, when I came home from school, I saw light leaking out of the dojo.
When I looked inside, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration.
There was the figure of my master does handstand.
And it's not just an inversion. She is supporting herself with two fingers, and she is standing on a juice can.
Her posture was more unmoving than a gymnast's, and she looked as beautiful as a sculpture.
As I gazed at her in rapt fascination, The master seemed to notice and looked at me with only her eyes.
"Shotaro, you're back?"
"How are you able to do that?"
When I gave her my honest impressions of something that didn't seem to be a human technique, Master returned her gaze to her fingertips.
"It's a skill called float-body, which leaves only the core in me and kills the weight. It's the perfect practice to get my body back to the way it was after it was dulled by training with you. It's a good way to keep my concentration and my core intact."
I didn't understand what Master meant, but I knew in that instant that she was a tremendous person.
Master is amazing.... And my grandfather's martial arts that she learned are also amazing.
"Will I ever be able to do that?"
The Master seemed to laugh slightly at my question.
"If you want to learn this, you'd better hurry up and change into a do-gi. Although it will take you a hundred years to learn this as you are now."
My blood was boiling with excitement for the first time outside of my master's eroticism.
I wanted to be strong so that I could carry on my grandfather's martial arts.
I remembered my almost forgotten goal and ran to my room to get my do-gi.



Ai-soletty 2024/03/08 01:55

師匠とネット通販_その2 Master and Online shopping _Part 2

"Shotaro! Come here!"
I heard Master's loud voice from afar and jumped up in surprise.
I opened the sliding door fearfully, wondering if I had been caught with a sexy picture of Master as my wallpaper.
There was the master, dressed in bright crimson underwear.
"Look, Shotaro! I bought a pair of underwear online, and it arrived ripped! This can't be happening!"
The underwear that Master wore was transparent in many places, and there was no part to cover her breasts. I could tell at a glance that it was a product for people in that field, but Master seemed to think it was torn.
"No, I think that's probably the way it's designed... I mean, why did you buy it online again? Didn't I tell you to consult me before buying?"
"The lingerie store in town didn't have anything that fit my body. So I had no choice but to go online..."
That's true. You can't find underwear that fits your powerful body in this small town....
"I'm returning this! I've been dealt a ridiculously defective product!"
Master started to take off her bra to vent her uncontrollable anger. Then it hit me.
"'Yes, let's return it! Master is not very good with the internet, so leave that procedure to me! I'll take the responsibility of returning it to the store and I'll keep the underwear!"
When I reached out my hand, Master looked embarrassed for the first time there.
"Oh, really? ...M-make sure you wash it before you return it, okay?"
Master kept reminding me, and I kept nodding.
Yes, of course, I will not wash this. I'm going to keep this raw and use this from time to time....
In this way, I succeeded in acquiring one of my most precious treasures.



Ai-soletty 2024/03/06 01:32

師弟遊戯!!part2 進捗状況②






Game of Master and Disciple!! This is the progress of part 2.

Part 2 can be divided into three chapters in terms of content, but currently the CG production has progressed to the middle of the first chapter.
The text was originally created up to the same point, but my mobile phone containing the data was damaged and more than half of the text data in the phone was lost to heaven, so the text creation has been delayed a little.

This image is one that will be included in part 2.
At the end of the last part, the master who had sex with Shotaro in the everlasting world is distraught and asks her senior stablemate Kyosuke, who is playing entertaining golf, "What happens when I have sex with a man!" is the scene where she asks loudly.

The difficult part of creating a sequel is how to include a review of the previous film, and how to introduce the characters to people who are watching it for the first time from part 2.

It's not quite finished yet, but please be patient.



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