
2024年 01月の記事 (1)

Doekuramori 2024/01/27 09:00

Beyond Citadel demo(ver. 0.12) update

The game file has been updated to ver. 0.11. The changes are written as below.

・Rifle grenades and magnum grenades pass through 1-b's boss's collision.
・The ballistic armor's sprint penalty and footstep sounds change after a level transition
・Switching away from the metamagnum with a grenade loaded causes the grenade to be lost

demo ver. 0.01 released

Update(0.11) (only bugfixing):
・Fixing typos in intro(U.S.N. Edelweiss ⇒ U.N.S.edelweiss)
・Fixing typos in zone_1-S(brouhght ⇒ brought)
・Erasing the dust of idle sprite of cavalry carbine
・Fixing the message of Sawn-off repeater(StormRifle ⇒ Sawn-off Repeater)
・Detleteing the changing firemode function by pressing Reload button and Firemode button when holding a angelic rifle
・Reloading the Meta-Magnum while it has a grenade primed produces an incorrect visual, with the grenade still primed but the weapon switched to it's primary fire mode.
・Restart level" leads the player to the empty level
・Ejected live magnum cartridge sometimes zeros the players magnum ammo pool.
・Picking up an ejected live ammo when the ammo pool is full-1, the ammo doesn't disappear.
・Fixing a problem reloading a storm rifle causes CTD when it's empty(Load only mode)
・Fixing a problem the player cannot exit a cryochamber.
・Filled a gap in Intermission-1
・Added a blocking collision to a basement of a chemical tank.
・Shooting a blue SMG guy in no gore mode causes CTD
・Zone_1-s has been replaced to a lighter one
・Opening sequence being weired in no gore option.
・Press and holding arrow key in opening sequence makes too loud sound.
・When stating a new game, the vestment is briefly cloth of Faith.

随分前にリリースしたThe Citadelの続編に当たる Beyond Citadelの最初のチャプターが遊べるデモを公開します。ダウンロードは無料プランの[体験版どうぞ]からお願いします。

基本的には前作The Citadelと同じ方向性のゲームに仕上がっていると思うのですが、銃の操作が

①マガジンを抜き、再装填し、コッキングレバーを操作する(ReceiverやHideous Destructorライクな)


A demo of the first chapter of Beyond Citadel, the sequel to the long-ago released The Citadel, is now available to play. You can download the demo from the free plan.

I think the game is basically in the same direction as the previous game "The Citadel", but the gun control is the main feature of the game.

There are 3 types of gun control;
(1) Pull out the magazine, reload and operate the cocking lever (Receiver and Hideous Destructor-like).
(2) Reload (magazines eject automatically ) and operate the cocking lever
(3) Reload only (same as the previous game "The Citadel").

The game is designed to allow you to choose between three types of gun control.

The default setting is (1), but when playing with the gamepad there are not enough buttons, in which case it is recommended to play with the setting (2) or (3).


Beyond Citadel demo ver. 0.01 ダウンロードはこちらから。




