
応援プランの記事 (92)

D’s Production 2023/06/16 23:14

《殺戮の女王》70 JK完成&成人女性描画中 / New adult woman















Production progress report

Three high school girls

 The basic image of the third high school girl that was in production last time has been completed. With this, 3 high school girls have been completed.

 For the sake of comparison, reposting the image posted last time.

new image

 The image I'm working on now is this picture, which is also used as a frontispiece.

 She is an adult woman.
 This image is now complete with her full body nude, but the drawing of her clothing is completely untouched. In the paid article, you can see her whole body.

Drawing procedure

 Recently, my image production begins with taking outlines in black. I gradually shape it up and make it a somewhat well-formed figure. Below is an outline of the process.

 Paint the base in an appropriate place, and color the black layer to the skin color. The original black layer is not just a draft, but itself is used as the texture of the skin. However, until now, the shape of the limbs and the exact contours have been produced by correcting them after coloring. The outline that was modeled in black was only a rough one, not an elaborate one.
 This time, as an experiment, I tried to draw as accurately as possible at the black stage. This is because I thought that drawing as close to completion as possible in the black stage would reduce the subsequent correction work and increase production efficiency.
 Thus, it is the below image that was produced.

 Each hand and foot have five fingers drawn. After that, painting the color underneath and change the black layer to another color. This is a comparison of each stage.

 In conclusion, I found that this method did not work very well. This is because, after all, there will always be correction work after coloring. The depth of color is completely different between black and skin color, and both cannot be treated in the same way. Therefore, in the future, it seems better to finish the black stage with the work of taking the outline and proceed to the coloring stage as soon as possible.
 This is an enlarged comparison of the black stage and the completed face.

 There is a technique called the "Grisaille painting method", which is a method of drawing the whole in grayscale and then adding color on top of it, but I think my drawing method is different. Because I just replace the grayscale layer with another color as it is.

 In the paid article, you can see the entirety of the latest production images.

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D’s Production 2023/05/31 22:24

《殺戮の女王》69 3人目のJK/ 3rd high school girl


















Production progress report

 Since the last article update, there has been a period of about a week in which I couldn't work , and progress has been delayed.
 We are continuing to produce the basic images of the enemy characters this time as well. The drawing is third high school girl.

(The person in the center is the one I'm currently drawing)

 Although this image is almost complete, there are still some parts that are incomplete and some that need to be corrected. Originally, it should be shown after it is completed, but since today is the end of the month, I am forced to show the work in progress. Although it is incomplete, I feel that it is becoming a very attractive character, although it is truly a self-praise.

New attempt

 Closing up the character's face this time, it will look like this.

 In addition to the moles, the texture of the skin surface, including irregularities and pigmentation, has been drawn in detail.
 We have been working on the irregularities of the skin since the early days of "Queen of Massacre", so it is not new.

 However, this time, I decided to draw the texture of the skin surface not only on the face, but also on the whole body.

 I believe that I was able to draw a character with a very realistic sense of existence.
 However, it is drawn by a method of creating pseudo-texture tiles and is not very elaborate. Therefore, it is impossible to expect precision that perfectly matches the curvature of the three-dimensional body, and it is necessary to thoroughly study this area in the future.
 The free article will be a partial introduction, but I would like to post full-body and naked high-resolution images in the paid article.

Image production work distribution

 As I suggested in the previous article, we actually used pixivSketch to deliver the drawing work several times. I believe all of these have been implemented without any problems.
 Although there were no comments, it seems that only a few people came to view it. I don't think there are many people who have watched it carefully from beginning to end, but I would appreciate it if you could come even if it was only for a moment. As long as it's not vandalism, I'm very welcome to talk with the viewers, so if you feel like it, I'd appreciate it if you could leave a comment.
 However, the date and time of future implementation are undecided, and I will do it when I feel like it, so please understand.

D'sProduction's pixivSketch
↑Please follow us.

 Below is a distribution digest written using pixivSketch's timelapse function. Please be careful of screen sickness because the screen movement is intense. I tend to scale and rotate images quite often when drawing, but when working in real time, of course, I do it a little more slowly.

▲ I am correcting and drawing the skirt and drawing the socks.

▲ Drawing of loafers.

Discord server “D Dictatorship Policy Research Institute”
 We are always looking for participants to join our Discord server.

 In the paid article, you can see the entirety of the latest production images.

【 応援プラン 】プラン以上限定 支援額:500円

このバックナンバーを購入すると、このプランの2023/05に投稿された限定特典を閲覧できます。 バックナンバーとは?



D’s Production 2023/05/16 02:11

《殺戮の女王》68 馬女よたび・制服少女/Horse Woman 4th, Uniform Girl






 1人目の方は きちんと 陰茎差分を描いたのですが、2人目の方はそれを描くのを忘れていました。これから描かないといけません。全裸/着衣、陰茎なし/陰茎ありというように、大量の差分を描かなければならず、極めて煩雑です。



D's Production主宰のDiscordサーバー「D独裁政権政策研究所」は、参加者が自由に歓談したり制作物を発表したりする緩い運営のサーバーです。成人であれば誰でもご参加になれます。



Production progress report

 Recently, I've been single-mindedly creating basic images for enemy characters.
 I'm working hard to create one character per week, but surprisingly, things are progressing as planned. The last post was about 3 weeks ago, and the 3 characters are already almost complete.

horse woman

 A young horse woman. Continuing from the last time, this is the second four-legged person to appear in this work.
 The penis is horse-shaped as usual. Although young, it is quite large.

Female high-school student

 This is a "clothed" character that I haven't drawn recently. After all, drawing clothes is very time-consuming and difficult. I think the way to draw shirt is quite good, but the skirts lack texture and feel unrealistic. Overall, though, it's not bad.
 These characters appear as the protagonist's "enemies", so they are ready for battle. The first one seems to have a knife for self-defense, but the second one seems to have picked up a nearby stone and used it as a weapon because she was not prepared.
 For the first person, I drew properly the penis differences, but for the second person, I forgot to draw it. I have to draw from now on. I have to draw a lot of differences, such as naked / clothed, no penis / with penis, and it's extremely complicated.

Possibility of distributing screen to draw

 Recently, I've been distributing my drawing work on a closed Discord server, and I've come to realize that this will greatly advance my work. It seems that being seen by people can prevent me from being lazy, although I am so when alone. Compensating for lack of self-discipline with the help of others may seem like a lack of effort, but this is also a form of effort. I believe that the work should be completed using whatever is available.
 Now, I'm thinking whether it would be a good idea to distribute this production work in an open place. For the time being, I have a Discord server that I set up myself, so I'm thinking of doing it there when the number of people increases.

●Discord server "D Dictatorship Policy Research Institute"●
D's Production's Discord server "D Dictatorship Policy Research Institute" is a loosely operated server where participants freely chat and present their creations. Any adult can participate.

 It may be done on Pixiv's SKETCH. However, I was still unfamiliar with how to operate it, and there were many times when I unintentionally disconnected it during the test. It is possible to use it in combination with Discord or to distribute it at the same time.
 If you are interested, please join our Discord server.

 In paid articles, you can see unpublished production images.

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D’s Production 2023/04/22 12:41

《殺戮の女王》67 馬女みたび/欺瞞あるいは不出来◆Horse Woman/Deception


 さて、今回制作していたのは、毎度お馴染みの4本足の馬型人間です。《サキュバス・レ○プ残酷物語》《虐殺大陸》と、D's Productionの描く世界には必ず登場するタイプのモンスター(もしくは人種)で、続いて《殺戮の女王》にも登場させることにしました。これは単に私が気に入っているからというだけの理由であり、特段世界観が繋がっているわけではありません。








Production progress report: Horse woman drawn the third time

 Continuing from last time, we are creating enemy character images.
 I was planning to create one basic image per week, but from the last time I made the 3rd one, the pace started to fade, and this time, the 4th one, it took more than 2 weeks. The plan soon falls apart. This is also according to plan. lol
 Now then, what we were creating this time is the familiar four-legged horse-shaped human. In both my works 《Succubus R*pe Cruel Story》 and 《Continent of Slaughter》, the monsters (or races) of this type always appear in the world drawn by D's Production. It's the same in 《Queen of Massacre》. This is simply because I like it, and it doesn't mean that my view of the world is particularly connected.

▲A horse-type human in 《Succubus Rpe Cruel Story》 (left) and 《Continent of Slaughter》 (right) ( screen right). Appeared as a monster in 《Succubus Rpe Cruel Story》, but appeared as a human race in 《Continent of Slaughter》. Cavalry is always depicted as this four-legged race, but the racial issue of whether a four-legged race can be anything other than cavalry remains a mystery.

 Then let's take a look.

 Even though it's too late, when I draw like this, I realize once again that they really are a normal humans with only four legs. However, this is my first attempt at drawing a horse-shaped penis. It seems that more research is needed.
 I'm not trying to draw a monster girl right now, so it doesn't have to be atypical. However, the question arose during the production of 《Succubus R*pe Cruel Story》 about how the harpies would attack the main character. So I decided to make harpies have real birds legs.

 With these sharp claws, it should be possible to cut through the human body. There is still the question of how this horse woman will attack, but considering that the main character Mami is also destroying the human body with tremendous physical strength, it is useless to say it now. It is likely that this horse women also possess muscle strength that far surpasses that of ordinary humans.

 The next animation is the process up to the completion of this picture.

 After taking the overall shape, you can see that the details such as the limbs are gradually drawn in. One of the most difficult parts of the human body to draw is hands and feet. This character has four legs, so it's kind of natural that it takes time to draw.

 In the paid article, you can see the column "Deception or Failure" that describes the anguish of the production.

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D’s Production 2023/04/03 23:04

《殺戮の女王》66 敵キャラクター画像制作の苦難

















 新たにD's Production主宰のDiscordサーバー「D独裁政権政策研究所」を設立しました。名前は多分に管理者の趣味が反映されていますが、要は雑談したり互いの制作作業を報告し合ったりするサーバーです。非常に緩い運用を想定されています。緩やかに付き合いたい人はご参加ください。ただし、参加可能なのは成人者のみとさせていただきます。この記事を読めている人ならば、大丈夫のはずです。



Recent production progress

Work in progress images and ideas

 Continuing from last time, I'm creating the basic image of the enemy character.
 The enemy characters currently in production are not just humans, but have non-human elements, so it could be said they are almost monsters. Last time, I made two harpy-type characters. I'm currently working on a character with a sword-hand.
 By the way, I actually drew a character image with the same idea, harpy and a being whose hand is a sword, in my previous work "Succubus Rpe Cruel Story". Those who have already played "Succubus Rpe Cruel Story" may remember it.

▲An image of the enemy monster that appeared in Succubus R*pe Cruel Story.

 These are ideas that I like, and it can be said that they are, in a way, a commitment that exists within me. Looking back now, the degree of perfection as an illustration is still very low. I have a slight feeling that I want to redo what I couldn't do at that time.
 "Queen of Massacre" was originally planned as a sequel to "Succubus Rpe Cruel Story" before the actual production work began. Due to various circumstances, that idea was abandoned, but the most fundamental idea is to realize what could not be expressed in "Succubus Rpe Cruel Story". It is inevitable that characters based on the same idea will appear in both works.

The wall that blocked the way during production

 The concept of "an enemy character with a sword-hand" was decided, but when it came time to create it, a huge wall suddenly stood in the way.
 World view of "Succubus R*pe Cruel Story" was a so-called fantasy world view where magic exists, so the above image was fine, but this work "Queen of Slaughter" is different from that and is connected to the real world (but it certainly contains some very fancy elements).
 The harpy character is a fusion of a human and a bird, so let's just say it's fine, I think. They are both animals.
 But what does it mean one hand is a sword?

 Here's what I drew first. It is truly a "sword". It is a double-edged Western sword. It was completely symmetrical, and I had a little trouble drawing it. But this is completely artificial. If a man-made object were later joined to human hands, it is fine, but it is completely inconceivable that this would naturally grow from the body of an animal.
 I wanted to make it more animal/biological, so I redrawn it like this.

 This is modeled after a deer's antlers, but perhaps because of that, it gives a gentle impression this time, and I can't feel the brutality of the beginning. Contrary to the beginning, it feels too animalistic.
 Also, with this shape, it seems likely that this person will use it for "thrusting" rather than "slashing". It was also different from my image.
 After a lot of anguish, I've settled on this form at this stage.

 Although it has returned to the shape of a sword, we tried to give it a relatively natural impression by eliminating as much as possible the characteristics of an artificial object that is symmetrical and has a hollow in the center. Even so, I still feel that it is not enough, but for now I think that I have no choice but to go in this direction. I may increase the biological decoration.

 As an aside, the one-handed sword girl in "Succubus R*pe Cruel Story" is set to be infested with the following monsters.

 Because of the high level as the monster as a whole, I think I were able to most accurately express the biological and vicious character. The needles on both hands seem to be made to "thrust", so it wasn't adopted as is, but there is a possibility that it can be incorporated decoratively.

progress rate

 The speed of production is always a problem.
 Last time, I was able to make one character in less than a week and make two characters, and I thought it was going pretty well. This time it took a week and a few days, and the speed is slowing down.
 Of course, it depends a lot on the daily schedule and the objects to be drawn, so it's only natural that there are differences. It's just within the margin of error, so to speak.
 However, the biggest reason for the delay this time was that the face and body did not go well or were not balanced, so there were many adjustments and redraws. I'm going to continue positively, hoping that it will improve as I continue drawing work in the future.

▲The penis must be drawn.

Establish Discord server(reposted)

 We have established a new Discord server "D Dictatorship Policy Research Institute" presided over by D's Production. The name reflects the hobby of the administrator, but the point is that it is a server where you can chat and report each other's production work. It is expected to operate very loosely. Please join us if you want to socialize loosely. However, only adults are allowed to participate. You, reading this article, should be fine.

● D Dictatorship Policy Research Institute●
↑ Click here to enter

In the paid article, you can see the entirety of the latest production images.

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