
BrOkEn eNgLiSh 2023/05/21 04:58

0.9 was finished

After these days of test and fixing
I think it should be enough

I highly recommand replay the game
and save before the nun's breeding house event
because I make a lot of switch which need to trigger after finish that event

0.9 new content

  1. Pregnant belly sex for the dancer, Succubus leader, and nun
    (3 new scenes)

  2. Character system for the Succubus

  3. Cuckold(Bob) scene for the dancer and Succubus
    (2 new scenes)

  4. More content for random NPC sex and glory hole

  5. Slightly remake the quest for Sacred tree village and save Andy

  6. Nun's shrine maiden cosplay scene
    (1 new scene)

  7. Beach event
    which have 4 scenes for love route, 3 scenes for NTR route

  1. Stand pictures gallery for all female characters

  2. Cheat item at the right room of the church
    which player can use it for level up or free money

  3. Walkthrough in the file

note: no gift system for now



0.9 新內容

  1. 舞孃與魅魔還有修女的孕肚H場景
    (3 個新場景)

  2. 魅魔的角色系統

  3. 舞孃與魅魔的NTR場景(絕倫男)
    (2 個新場景)

  4. 更多隨機路人與壁尻的內容

  5. 些微調整神庇村任務與拯救安迪任務內容

  6. 修女的巫女cosplay場景
    (1 個新場景)

  7. 海灘事件
    內有4個純愛場景, 與3個NTR場景

  8. 女角立繪鑑賞區

  9. 我把作弊道具放在教堂的右側房間

  1. 檔案裡有Walkthrough(攻略目前只有英文, 之後會製作中文攻略)

備註: 目前沒有任何送禮系統

【 Normal sponsor 】プラン以上限定 支援額:500円

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BrOkEn eNgLiSh 2023/05/15 21:13

0.9 almost finish

Sorry for no progress post for a long time
there're some problem of my immune system lately
after some serious allergy acting like hay fever
I got herpes on my lips
so I use my remaining energy focus on making progress

Anyway, both 0.9 version for english and chinese were finished
but again, there might be bugs I didn't find
so I'll continue drawing while waiting my friends find more bugs for me to fix

0.9 new content
1. Pregnant belly sex for the dancer, Succubus leader, and nun
(3 new scenes)

  1. Character system for the Succubus

  2. Cuckold(Bob) scene for the dancer and Succubus
    (2 new scenes)

  3. More content for random NPC sex and glory hole

  4. Slightly remake the quest for Sacred tree village and save Andy

  5. Nun's shrine maiden cosplay scene
    (1 new scene)

  6. Beach event
    which have 4 scenes for love route, 3 scenes for NTR route

note: no gift system for now

在一連串猶如花粉症般的過敏, 我得了唇皰疹

總之, 0.9版本的中文與英文版都完成了
所以在我朋友找出更多錯誤前, 我會先繼續畫圖等待

0.9 新內容
1. 舞孃與魅魔還有修女的孕肚H場景
(3 個新場景)

  1. 魅魔的角色系統

  2. 舞孃與魅魔的NTR場景(絕倫男)
    (2 個新場景)

  3. 更多隨機路人與壁尻的內容

  4. 些微調整神庇村任務與拯救安迪任務內容

  5. 修女的巫女cosplay場景
    (1 個新場景)

  6. 海灘事件
    內有4個純愛場景, 與3個NTR場景

備註: 目前沒有任何送禮系統



BrOkEn eNgLiSh 2023/04/16 02:30

Another progress report for 0.9 verison

"If you as supporter and want to join my discord server
to see my daily progress or talk to me
feel free to ask me for disocrd invitation~ "

I spend less time to these content
after I finish gift system and some bugs fix
I will start make more side quests and new sex scene for them

Progress for now
1. Pregnant belly sex for the dancer and Succubus -- 95%
Forget what I said in the last post
I have a feeling it might have bug, which need test and fix

  1. Pregnant belly sex for the nun -- 95%
    Finished, but again, might have bugs

  2. Character system for the Succubus -- 100%

4. Cuckold(Bob) scene for the dancer and Succubus -- 95%
Finished, but I think it will have bugs
due to it's a complex system
  1. Gift system for side characters -- 5%
    Didn't touch this one yet

6. More content for random NPC sex and glory hole -- 100%

Random NPC sex:
1 new class for random NPC- adventurer
2 new clothes, 1 for adventurer 1 for prostitute
1 new hair style- pony tail, 1 new color for hair- red

Glory hole:
1 New hair style- short hair, 1 new color for hair- red
Some parts for facial expression on the post
Fully boobsjob system for all size of boobs

  1. Slightly remake the quest
    for Sacred tree village and save Andy -- 100%

I don't want player miss event and can't trigger further content
so player must finish the skull flower and boar king in order to fight the werewolf
Also, slightly remake Andy event inder to fix bug

有興趣可以和我要邀請~ "


1. 舞孃與魅魔的孕肚H場景 -- 95%

  1. 修女的孕肚H場景 -- 95%
    完成了, 但是同樣擔心有錯誤

  2. 魅魔的角色系統 -- 100%

  3. 舞孃與魅魔的NTR場景(絕倫男) -- 95%
    完成, 但是感覺會有錯誤

  4. 配角的禮物系統 -- 5%

6. 更多隨機路人與壁尻的內容 -- 100%

1個NPC新職業- 冒險者
2個新衣服, 1個冒險者的, 1個妓女的
1個新髮型- 馬尾, 1個新髮色- 紅色

1個新髮型- 馬尾, 1個新髮色- 紅色

7. 些微調整神庇村任務與拯救安迪任務內容 -- 100%

同時, 些微調整安迪事件來除掉一個修不好的錯誤



BrOkEn eNgLiSh 2023/04/02 05:32

0.9 progress and plan

These are the plan and progress for now

  1. Pregnant belly sex for the dancer and Succubus -- 100%
    same as cow lady and the thane.

  2. Character system for the Succubus -- 100%
    just like other importent side character,
    but didn't add new art to her though.

  3. Cuckold(Bob) scene for the dancer and Succubus -- 20~30%
    Base pictures are finish, and the script is writing.

  4. Gift system for side characters -- 5%
    player can give gife to lower cuckold stage
    and they'll also give player random unidentified item.

  5. More content for random NPC sex and glory hole -- 0%


  1. 舞孃與魅魔的孕肚H場景 -- 100%

  2. 魅魔的角色系統 -- 100%
    就像其他重要配角一樣, 不過沒有要新增H場景給她

  3. 舞孃與魅魔的NTR場景(絕倫男) -- 20~30%
    目前基本CG已完成, 而文本正同時進行中

  4. 配角的禮物系統 -- 5%
    玩家可以送禮給配角, 降低絕倫男對她們的進度

  5. 更多隨機路人與壁尻的內容 -- 0%



BrOkEn eNgLiSh 2023/03/27 07:03

0.8 was finished

After I finished 0.8 version,
I found some wierd parts,
like when player finishes sacred tree village war normal route,
they'll still get the path of impregnation for the dancer
So atm there is no story for the normal route.

And before the harem wedding,
there's no pregnant scene for the nun and the succubus queen,
I'll try to make them up or fix them in the future update.

0.8 content:

  1. Harem wedding scene, as the last event for the main story,
    which can be triggered after you finish the breeding house event with nun.

(If you use a save file which already finished breeding house event in 0.75,
it won't trigger the wedding scene, you need to have a new save to redo it)

  1. Dancer's system and story after the werewolf war,
    like other side characters.


當我完成0.8後, 發現很多矛盾的劇情



  1. 後宮結婚劇情作為主線的完結


  1. 舞孃後續劇情與系統

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