
NTRの記事 (14)

Little Boy 2024/07/31 19:06

Chinese version? 中文版? And about the new artist!

I'm thinking about adding a chinese version for the remake of my game.
If you want it please leave a comment saying "You are my good little boy"

But it still depends on whether I have the time to make one, hehe.

Japanese version?
I don't have a japanese translator right now.
I have to see if I have the spare money to hire one, but...
If I want to personally translate it, might take me another 10 years of learning hehe.
We'll see.

New artist!
Like I announced previously, I will be doing the plot but the illustrations will be done by a new artist, ENNO! Here is a link to his pixiv page.


Here are some sketches of Anya he did:

These are only rough sketches, I will be in close contact with the artist to make sure it will be as close to the original as possible. I understand it's a very different change in artstyle, but I think it will be good, so please support this new artist!

Okay byebye!



Little Boy 2024/07/21 21:48



Little Boy 2024/07/15 22:16

I think I'm back

Sorry for ghosting you all.

I'll be remaking the Anya story and do it as a side hobby, but the art will be from another artist.

The new story will have a very slow set up before any important events.

Here are some art I did that I won't be using in the remade story. All the art will be done by the new artist.

Here is a mini short event for the encounter with the minister if Anya had sex with the King.


Please support the new artist! I'll share the new artist's page once he have it all set up.

Okay bye bye muackx.



Little Boy 2022/05/08 22:57


A story about losing your childhood friends in just 7 days into adulthood.

The story is separated into two parts.

The first part is where you get to learn about the three female childhood friends and choose one as your girlfriend.

The second part is 6 years later, when all four of you reaches adulthood.

Sadly, no Japanese version is available as my previous translator went bye bye.

I'll be finding a new translator while I continue working on ANYA~~~

I'll sell the game on dlsite once a Japanese version is available.

You can access the full game in my 600 yen package! (And my other games too!)

Please tell if there's any bugs!


1. You need to complete all 3 routes in a single save file to access the recollection room.
2. Anna's scenes won't appear if any of the previous scenes aren't activated :D
3. I've updated the link to revision no.2, there shouldn't be any image bugs anymore (I hope...) :D Please inform me if you found any other bugs! Thanks!


Nothing in here


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Little Boy 2022/03/06 12:15

I WILL (NOT) WIN! (English and Ai Route Only)

I'm late again! Hehe!

I've only managed to complete 1 route out of 3, the full story will be released here some time next month and will also be sold on dlsite! (Along with Japanese version)

You can get the story at the 600 yen package! (Or just wait for the full release on dlsite :D)

Info on the story:

The story is separated into two parts.

The first part is where you get to learn about the three female childhood friends and choose one as your girlfriend. (Only Ai is available this release)

The second part is 6 years later, where the 'stuff' happens.

In the final product, you will get to skip the first part after completed 1 of the 3 routes. (Since the first part is kind of long...)

I mentioned there will be around 20 scenes in my last post...

Well, it's more closer to 40, hehe! (Around 12 scenes each route and some extra stuff...?)

Okay bye bye~~~

【 600円 】プラン以上限定 支援額:600円

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