MUK(むっく) / MonsieuR 2023/01/29 21:00

SUPER PATRON限定「チェキ風お名前入り証拠写真」personalized pic

新しく開設したCi-enでも、SUPER PATRONプラン限定の特典配布を行ってまいります!今月のSP特典は「チェキ風お名前入り証拠写真 with 日向ちゃん♡」です📸

At Ci-en, I will distribute special rewards only for the SUPER PATRON plan! This month's SP reward is "Cheki-style photo evidence with your name on it" 📸

★DL limit:Mar.27 2023
☆Distribution target: Those who join the ¥1000 plan by Feb.7

If you have any item to change, please reply with below.

 クレジット名 (a name for credits):
 呼び名 (a name girls call) :
 言語 (main language) :

※available languages in my works : Japanese(main) / English(sub)
※English is under study. If you want the bonus illustration in Japanese, please set it to Japanese.


If you rechange your membership immediately after joining the plan, I may not be able to know your participation in the plan. (I can' t make your rewards then.) If you do not receive a message confirming your initial settings, please contact me via message.

【 SUPER PATRON 】プラン以上限定 支援額:1,000円

Download Link

このバックナンバーを購入すると、このプランの2023/01に投稿された限定特典を閲覧できます。 バックナンバーとは?



