S,夜紫蛇☆nouskjp 2023/04/01 19:02

Notice to everyone overseas

I am now focusing on updating my personal website. With this update, my site is now accessible from smartphones. https://nousk.jp

For many years, I was mainly active on pixiv, where it was easy for me, with no web knowledge, to submit my work. However, due to tightening regulations in recent years, a large number of my works have been made private on fanbox, which is operated by pixiv.

So far, no free works submitted to pixiv have been registered. However, the recent pixiv management is not trustworthy. You never know when pixiv will be regulated more strictly.

For many years I have rented a paid rental server where I can also post my NSFW work, and that is where I have my website.However, I have no web skills. I was not even satisfied with the browsing experience from a smart phone. Therefore, I had stopped updating my website. Recently, some of the doujin artists who used to focus mainly on social networking have started to create their own websites. As a result, there is a growing number of website templates for webcomics that can be easily updated without web skills.

I decided to use these templates to create a smartphone compatible web comic site. I have a huge collection of cartoons that I have been creating for 25 years. This process is very time consuming. It will not be finished soon.

But I will at least finish the minimum required updates by the end of this month.

My Twitter feed has been changed to announce my site. I decided to enhance my site because my manga are often deleted from social networking sites.

I keep my Twitter interaction to a minimum. I was happy that people who liked my work would RT my Twitter pieces. However, this has caused many people who do not like my work to discover my Twitter feed.

They not only call me names, but also interfere with my account management by falsely reporting my Twitter. They are interfering with my creative work. You are welcome to follow me on Twitter, but please do it secretly if you can. And please tell your friends in secret. There are many more people who dislike me and sabotage my creative work than you may think, and they are on Twitter, Instagram, tumbler, and many other major social networking sites.

I don’t blame people for hating me. But it really bothers me when people interfere with my creative process.

I would like my fans to understand that I update my Twitter secretly.

I will continue to send out information on fantia. I will continue to distribute high-resolution data of my works on fantia. New works will be released on fantia as soon as possible.Your support will also help me manage my personal website.

My day job has been busy, but my boss has promised me that I will settle down in a few months. In my private time, I will be able to write comics.

As soon as this work is completed, I will resume writing manga for Skullgirls.

My site https://nousk.jp
Twitter for announcement https://twitter.com/nouskjp

Thanks for reading.





