todd Chidol 2023/02/24 02:33

Payment Methods from outside Japan

Available payment methods

Thank you for your support from overseas.
We often receive inquiries about payment methods, so we would like to inform you of a convenient method.
At first glance, it looks like ci-en only accepts payment methods for Japan, but in fact, we also support paypal and amazonpay.
By purchasing DLpoint, ci-en's own currency, you can enjoy the contents without using fanbox.

First, choose DLpoint in the payment method selection, then proceed

Next, press the blue button Purchase additional points button.

"This is important."
After switching to the point purchase screen, change the language from the Language tab in the upper right corner of the screen.

By selecting your country's language here, you will be able to choose a popular payment method in your country!

You will see a 16-digit redemption code after you complete your purchase, so please copy it so you don't forget it!

Once you return to the DL site homepage, open the Input Serial Code on the points tab of the left banner.

By entering the code sent to you
Your account will be charged with DL points

Once you have successfully purchased points, you can use them to support the creators again.

(instead of debiting your credit card)
Here are a few things to keep in mind if you start your support this way.

If you do not have enough DL points for the next month's support at the time of monthly renewal of your support plan, your membership will be forcibly suspended.

If this happens, you may not receive any continuation benefits or other inconveniences.

Come on, let's have fun!





