車はじめ 2024/01/09 17:43

Who is Oren,the love wife?

Thank you for reading this page. I would like to introduce Oren, an original character I am currently drawing.
Some of you may have gotten to know me recently. Oren is a character that I have been drawing for more than two years now. I have been serializing her and her husband's marital activities on a support site.
Now I would like to look back and explain from the time of her first appearance.

First appearance of Oren, September 2, 2021.
This is the first Oren I ever drew. At the time, however, he did not have a name, and it was one of the illustrations I usually drew. At that time, I never drew the same character, but drew a different character each time.
When I drew this one, I had not drawn many Japanese-style characters before, so I thought, "I'll try it once in a while.

The setting was the Edo period (1603-1868), and I initially intended to draw an oiran (courtesan), but it would not be interesting if I drew a normal character, so I tried to make her look like a commoner, with brown skin, purple lipstick, a strange hairstyle, and even a heart in her hair ornament. I was going to use a kimono, but that was also uninteresting, so I ended up using a happi coat.

Even looking at it now, her belly is still very flabby, but I drew it with the idea of "just adding more flesh.
This is where it all started, and it is still one of my favorites.

Reappeared September 11, 2021
Appeared not too long after the last time. It is really rare for me to draw the same character, but I guess I had something in mind. The belly is still very flabby as usual!
The kokeshi in the foreground is set up as, well, used. It was rare to include such explicit sexual expressions at that time. Until then, it was limited to nudity at most.
I guess the character was something that made people want to do erotic things with her.

March 6, 2022
It's been a little while since I last drew this, but here it is again, and I can see that I like it a lot, as this is the third time it has appeared. I wanted to draw her with her hair untied, so I did.
It was also the first time I drew her pulling her nipples. I think it looks good even now.

April 10, 2022.
After almost a month since we launched the support site, we decided that it would be impossible to draw a different character episode each time. I was looking for a character to continue drawing from among those I have drawn in the past, and I ended up with Oren. I made her smoke a smoking pipe, which is a remnant of the oiran (courtesan) element that still remains in her.
Well, common people smoke too.

Please click here to see the initial setting. It is a little different from now.
Here the name Oren was decided. The origin of the name was the title "恋女房Koi Nyobo" (love wife), so it was decided that Oren would be fine. This is because the kanji for " 恋Koi" is also read as "ren" in Japanese.

May 22, 2022
The series finally started after a gap of more than a month since the last one. At this time, the characters were not very well defined, and I was trying to draw them in a bewitching way anyway.
The husband also appeared in the first episode, but the character setting was only "carpenter," and I imagined his face to look like a gorilla, but I didn't show it in case it would change later.

So this is where the series began. Please see each episode to see how Oren has changed since then.
The content is just a couple having sex, nothing like a story.
I think it's something you can watch from anywhere.

You can watch it here (some episodes are free)

After that, Oren

Recently, I try to draw them in a cute rather than bewitching manner.

This is a brief description of Oren. I hope you like her.





