UndergroundR34Artist 2023/08/08 05:22

Production of Stage 4 is a go


Allergies suck. Don't have all- wait, I did say that already.
But really, I've had fevers due to it, which do not help with game development.
Because of it, for the next post I'm not planning any particular schedule or amount of content,
but I have a feeling that I will be able to make progress fine.
Though I will say that I will be trying to finish most of Stage 4, if not all of it.


So, that's a part of what you're going to see during Game Over 3.
Not gonna explain why, but apparently there will be paizuri in reverse bunny suit.

It will make sense though. Promise.

Stage 4.

I know that that's not paizuri, but...

The sewer level. You cannot make a zombie survival horror game without the sewers.
It is stated so by the law.
P.S: That's how it looks without the shadows. It will be much darker.

Followers only.

As always, some fanservice for my favorite followers. That will be a grab animation of the 3rd stage boss.


3rd boss' grab animation.





