あおくん 2024/01/31 22:36













Needless to say, last night was a secret between the two of us, and it turned out to be one of the best memories of the summer.
Today was a beautiful sunny day, and we all spent the day playing on the private beach, returning to the villa if we wanted to rest, and spending time with each other as we wished.
We didn't spend time alone together because we were boyfriend and girlfriend, but rather enjoyed the time with each other and our friends.
The girls also got together to play beach volleyball, split watermelons, and have fun in their own ways.
When she came over to us, she said something unexpected.

I want to have sex in the ocean. Won't you have sex with me?
She said, "What's wrong with you all of a sudden? I mean, it's a rubber room, and the ocean isn't that beautiful.
But it would be a good memory, wouldn't it?
I don't know, maybe..."

To be honest, I am not uninterested.
But even though it was a private beach, my friend was with me and I was worried about the eyes from the beach.
But she pulled my hand to the crotch of her bikini and asked me to caress her.

She pulled my hand to her bikini crotch and asked me to caress her. I'm not supposed to do this kind of thing in public. So..."
Let's go?"

I went into the water and caressed her crotch from the top of her bikini.
At first I caressed her crotch from the top of her swimsuit, and then gradually I moved the fabric of the crotch part and played with it with my fingers.
Her breasts were small, but they were still enough to make a woman feel like a woman, and every time I caressed her, she seemed to be feeling more and more.
I felt like being mean to her, so I continued to caress her without taking off her swimsuit.
Finally, I slipped her bikini down and directly stimulated her crack.
She had been more aggressive than usual during this trip, and I was excited to see her desperately trying to hold back her moaning in front of me.
As we were in the water, I was about to put my finger inside her, and at the same time, she checked the condition of my lower body.

She said, "It's getting bigger, isn't it? How does it feel? Does it feel good?"
"Ughhh...I can't wait..."

The warmth of her hand felt so good in the pleasant sea water temperature. I hugged her and loved her clitoris exposed in the water.
As I continued to gently stimulate only the surrounding area without caressing her inside, she finally reached the end of her patience, and when she kissed me, she begged me to put it inside her as if begging me.
Her pussy was already very loose and she was sucking three of my fingers into her mouth.

I wanted it so bad," she said! I want it deep inside of me.
I want it raw, don't I?
Yes...put it in. I want a child with someone I love with all my heart.

I slowly insert my cock into her exposed secret part in the water and go to the deepest part at once as I wished.
The inside, already dripping with honey, easily accepted me, and I reached my destination without difficulty.

I got all the way in," she said. Your vagina is as tight as ever.
"Feels good, doesn't it? How does it feel?
My penis was held in all directions by the vaginal wall, and my hips naturally rocked back and forth.
"Oh, oh, ...... fuck!"
It's too fast.

The most important thing to remember is that you should never let your penis go to waste.
She also shook her hips as she hugged me, but she tightened her vagina just enough to keep me from ejaculating.
The difference between the temperature of the sea water and the temperature of my vagina amplified the pleasure, so much so that I felt like I would cum if I wasn't careful.

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