Ai-soletty 2024/07/04 18:53

トレジャーハンター_その① Treasure hunter _ part 1


An archaeological site in the jungle in the Republic of Maganda is estimated to be 4,000 years old. An advance team of archaeologist Dr. Lara's research team has been in the area for a year investigating the site. They recently discovered that there is a large cavity beneath the ruins.
The research team was excited to discover that this could be evidence of the existence of the "Underground Gold Country" in the lore of the indigenous people.
Lara immediately took the lead of the research team and started to set up a base camp for excavation near the ruins. Investigating the ruins would take many months. In order to safely survey the ruins, it is necessary to understand the topography of the area around the camp and to survey the ecology of the current living organisms.
Of course, we have the cooperation of local guides and the government, but there are things that cannot be determined by that alone.
One such example is the native tradition that 'demons appear in the vicinity of the ruins and that those who approach the ruins will be dredged up by the demons.
Lara recalled this story while surveying the jungle.'
There is something around her now. She could not see it.
"Could it be that there is an indigenous tribe living in this area? I'll check with the government."
Ben, a fellow member of the survey team, suggested over the comms. Lara shook her head.
Lara shook her head, "According to our guide, this area is forbidden territory, even for the indigenous people. It's the territory of that devil.
"A demon...that's absurd."
Ben, the scientist, was appalled, but Lara was cautious.
"I don't know if it's a demon or not, but I'm sure the government is hiding something."
There were several suspicious things in the documents we received from the government. There was a period of time in the past when the records were hidden by the government.
What had happened during that period? Lara got a hint from her guide. The guide said, "There was an incident in which a team of investigators was attacked by a demon and wiped out. The men were found dead, their entrails pulled out, and all the women were missing.
The report for the period of time during which the incident took place is missing entirely.
"Whatever it is, something is out there. You take care, too."
Lara was about to tell them. A gunshot came over the comms.
"Ben? What's going on?"
Lara was startled. She noticed that there were no other members of her unit around her.
'Ben, answer me!'
Lara called out again. The demons did not miss that moment when she feared for the safety of her companions, that moment when their vigilance relaxed just a little.



