
モリガンの記事 (1)

Ai-soletty 2024/03/28 18:01

ハロウィンに参加する師匠 Master taking part in Halloween


"There are too many events in this neighborhood association! I don't know if it's Halloween or what, but why do I have to help out again?"
The master was mumbling and complaining as she fixed her costume.
As usual, she was asked by the neighborhood association president to participate in the neighborhood association's Halloween party.
On the master's part, she must like festivals, since she always complies with the request despite her complaints.
Of course, the neighborhood association president asked her to come dressed in a Halloween-like costume, and on the master's response, "What kind of costume is Halloween? I have no idea!" She was at a loss.
So I prepared the best costume for her. And, well... it was more than I had imagined...
"It suits her..."
I had been admiring on the master's costume for a long time.
"Hey! Don't just stand there and tell me if I'm doing it right! Is this the right place for this feather? Why do you have a feather on your head?"
"Well, you're the devil, so it's no wonder you have a feather on your head."
"The devil leads children around begging for candy? People will think this is a strange town!"
The master seemed to be dismayed at the ill-suited role of the neighborhood association and her own outfit.
Don't worry, Master. I've asked the neighborhood association to change your role to that of a party usher.
It would be diplomatically beneficial for the town, and above all, I wouldn't have to worry about its destructive influence on the children's proclivities.
"Master, then I'll take a picture before we leave."
"Why ?"
It's my collection...
I couldn't say, so I cleared my throat and smiled vaguely.
The neighborhood association has started a social networking site. I need a photo to advertise on it. The neighborhood association asked me to do it. You see, we're running out of time before the party, so they asked me to hurry up..."
Reluctantly, the master posed as I asked. I was able to capture it on my phone camera.
Thank you, master.
This will help me make a lot of progress tonight.



