きゃらめる堂 M-trinity 2024/04/03 08:16

rumika-chan's 100 transformations R

Translation assistance from s.s.tempo

This work is based on a manga I drew over 30 years ago.
The heroine, Rumika, is prone to being possessed by supernatural beings such as spirits.
When Rumika was possessed by a female cat in heat, she also became violently in heat.
When Rumika's breasts enlarged and began to produce milk, it was assumed that she was possessed by the spirit of a nursing woman, but it turns out that she was possessed by a cow. It may have been.
When a penis grew out of Rumika's crotch, it was assumed that she was possessed by the spirit of a boy. But in reality, she may have been possessed by a stallion.

In this illustration work, Rumika's body becomes gigantic. So what was she obsessed with?

Total 2 pages.
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Total 2 pages

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