D’s Production 2023/09/17 09:46

新作3 進捗ゲームデータ配信 / Progress game data distribution










 実際には、1兵科につき、顔3種類と髪3種類を 組みわ合わせて 9種類の顔差分を作成することにしました。これによって髪の作成量を108枚から36枚まで減らすことができます。その代わり、味方の方だけ、1兵科につき顔4種類と髪4種類を組み合わせ16種類の顔差分を作ることにし、なるだけ変化に富むようにしました。



 大量に 異なる 顔を作成しようとしていたため、美しく描くところにまで気が回っていなかったものと見えます。これがエロゲームでなければそれでも良いかも知れませんが、今回は違います。そのため、せっかくゲームに組み込むところまで実行したにも拘わらず、作業工程を差し戻し、納得のいかない画像は描き直すことにしました。画像ファイルへの書き出し作業もやり直しです。









 ( 違反行為がある、言動が粗暴であるなど、管理者の不適当と認めた場合はこの限りではありません。)








 上項目と少し重複する内容ですが、Discordの画面配信機能を使って、描画作業などの作業配信を行うことがあります。そのときは、たいてい(同じくDiscordの機能である「Watch Together」を使って)You Tubeの動画を流しています。誰でも気軽に見てもらって構いません。また、各参加者が自発的に作業配信をしても差し支えありません。



Distribution of game data in progress

 In this support plan (paid article), we distribute the game data at the current stage.
 Although it is still in the process of production and is not at the stage where you can play it as a game, I think it will give you a detailed understanding of the current system.
 We also have a function that allows you to view all character chips reported below.

Production progress report

A lot of differences in walking chips

 We are still working on a new game (name undecided).
 The creation of the unit walking character chip introduced last time has been completed.
 A total of 300 types of walking chips were created, including 2 types of enemies/ally, 6 types of soldiers, 3-4 types of faces (4 allies, 3 enemies), 3-4 types of hair (same as on the left), and 2 types with and without a penis. In addition to this, only the main character is created separately, so there are currently 301 types in total.
 Incidentally, since it is a "walking" chip, one type of chip includes 5 images for walking animation. The total number of images prepared is 1505.
 The most difficult work was drawing the face and hair.

Previous schedule

 In the previous article, I wrote that I was planning to draw 3 types of face differences for each military department, and 3 types of hair differences for each face. In other words, draw 3 images for the face and 9 images for the hair. Since this would be used to create 12 soldier classes including enemy and ally, it was calculated that in the end, 36 faces and 108 hairs would have to be drawn. So a view that this plan may change in the same article was suggested.

▲Repost of the previous article image. Images of three types of faces and nine types of hair are drawn for this one military department alone.

Actual creation difference

 As expected, the plan has changed.
 In reality, we decided to combine 3 types of faces and 3 types of hair to create 9 types of facial differences for each military department. This reduces the amount of hair to create from 108 to 36. Instead, in order to have as much variety as possible, for allies unit we decided to create 4 types of faces and 4 types of hair for each military department. So 16 types of facial differences were created for allies unit.
 In this situation, although the amount of hair differences created has decreased dramatically, the amount of facial differences created has not changed, but has actually increased. But it was made with great effort.
 As a result, 301 types of unit differences were completed.


▲Actually created face difference. 16 differences were created for each military department, with 4 types of faces and 4 types of hair.

What a double effort!

 It goes without saying that it is a lot of work to draw facial differences, but also to combine them and export them as an image file. The larger the amount, the more effort it takes.
 However, when I exported it and tried running it in the game, I found that there were many images that I was not completely satisfied with. To put it bluntly, the way the face is drawn is bad.
 It seems that because I was trying to create a large number of different faces, I didn't pay attention to drawing them beautifully. It might be okay if this wasn't an erotic game, but this is one. Therefore, even though we had incorporated it into the game, we decided to go back through the process and redraw images that we were not satisfied with. The process of exporting to an image file will also need to be redone.
 Of course, I can see the whole picture while drawing, without even needing to display it on the game screen, so if I were careful to check it at that stage, I might have been able to avoid this trouble. However, this is a difficult problem because the impression you get at the drawing stage and when you see it on the game screen can be very different.

▲An example of a modified image. The left one is before modification, the right one is after modification. It is also important to note that the game screen is usually displayed in a reduced size.

Game programming

 We are also incorporating the created unit images and creating game data.

▲Units placed in squares.

▲Select from the unit list and place the appropriate unit on the battlefield. This work is also available in both Japanese and English.

▲Battle scene.
 As you can see, ground units and air units can be placed on the same square. I had been thinking about how to display them for a long time, and I was able to find a pretty good way. But there are still concerns.
 Please pay attention to future productions.

About Discord server and support plan management

 As announced the other day, we have opened a Discord server "D Dictatorship Policy Research Institute". This is a loosely managed server where participants can freely chat and present their creations.
 Any adult is welcome to join (), so if you are interested, please join us.  ( かThe one the administrator has deemed inappropriate, such as committing a violation or having rough behavior, does not apply in this case.)
●D Dictatorship Policy Research Institute●
 ↑Click to enter.
 Now, I would like to inform you of a few things about the operation of this Discord server and this Ci-en support plan (paid plan).

This Discord does not exclude English speakers

 Since the administrator is a Japanese speaker, the main language of this server is basically Japanese. However, recently, there has been an increase in the number of messages being sent in English, so it seems that people who speak English are also participating in this server.
 Therefore, I try to write my comments in English as much as possible so that even those who do not understand Japanese can understand them. However, we do not ask other participants to do the same, and it is fine if each participant comments in their own language.
 Currently, we have not made any specific plans regarding support for languages other than English, as I myself do not understand those languages. This does not prevent each participant from speaking in another language, but the level of understanding will probably be slightly lower because the language will be read using tools such as Google Translate. It is better to have them speak in English if possible.

Discord server contains some contents for support plan or unpublished information

 Basically, for Ci-en we operate on the policy of publishing some parts in free articles and showing everything in paid articles. On Discord, we post some images that are not available in free articles, but can only be seen in paid articles. In addition, images that are not worthy of being shown in paid articles may also be posted.
 As an image, Discord can be said to be an intermediate between Ci-en's free plan and support plan. We ask all of our paid supporters for your understanding.
 Please note that it is completely acceptable for anyone other than me to report on the progress of the work being produced.

Live streaming of producing works may take place on Discord

 This is a bit of a duplicate of the above item, but I sometimes use Discord's screen distribution function to distribute work such as drawing work. At that time, I usually stream YouTube videos (using another Discord feature called Watch Together). Anyone is welcome to take a look. Additionally, each participant may voluntarily distribute their work.
 If you are interested, please take this opportunity to participate.

 For paid articles, you can download game data that is currently in production.

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