Kurumi Works 2024/08/02 23:29








ゲームには 5 つのレベルがあり、各レベルにかかる時間は約 30 分になる予定です。これまでに最初の 2 レベルの制作が完了しました。

Level 1:(100%)
Level 2:(100%)
Level 3:(10%) ← Now here
Level 4:(0%)
Level 5:(0%)

CG の数が非常に少ないため、チーム内で意見の相違が生じます。

それを補うには、ソルルイ -after mini のように、レベル自体を面白くて楽しいものにすることしかできません。


残念ながらダイナミックなCGを作る技術はないので、エロゲコンテンツで『ソルルイ -after mini』を超えるのは難しいかもしれません。





4、当社のゲームは、エージェントの同意がない限り、Steam でのみリリースできます。


良いニュースは、steam ページがリリースされたことです。








Recent Situation Summary

  1. In order to provide better localization services, we found an agent.

  2. Since we are a new team, the negotiation process was not smooth. There were disagreements within the team.

  3. The agent is willing to provide translation and dubbing, provided that we no longer have the right to independently distribute the game.

Production progress

We are a new team, lacking experience and funds, and can only produce short works.

The game is expected to have 5 levels, and each level process is about 30 minutes. The production of the first 2 levels has been completed.

Level 1: (100%)
Level 2: (100%)
Level 3: (10%) ← Now here
Level 4: (0%)
Level 5: (0%)

The number of CGs is very small, which is also where there are differences of opinion within the team.

To make up for it, we can only try to polish the level itself to be interesting and fun, just like the excellent ソルルイ -after mini.

This kind of manually designed level is my favorite. I personally hate the behavior of randomly stacking the number of monsters and setting up mazes.

Unfortunately, we can't make dynamic CG. I'm afraid it will be difficult to surpass our reference in the porn part.

Reasons for not updating the blog

  1. Thinking and writing an eye-catching blog post takes a lot of time and energy, and it will take up time for game production.

  2. We don’t have the manpower to publish articles, and we don’t have relevant experience. Every time I edit an article, it is extremely painful for me.

  3. The disagreements within the team made me very depressed. I once thought that the only member would quit the production.

  4. Unless the agent agrees, we cannot release the game on DL at present, and can only sell it through Steam.

Therefore, I did not continue to update any dynamics until the dust settled.

Many things were uncertain 2 months ago. The good news is that the steam page has been released now:


We can talk about this loudly.

When will the demo be released?

  1. Our native language is not Japanese, so releasing a non-Japanese version of the demo may be seen as not taking Japanese users seriously.

  2. Our game is developed based on RPG Maker. The translation process is usually internally covered, which means that localization can only be done when the production is completed.

  3. We really hope to receive player feedback while testing, but we cannot complete the translation in time while releasing the demo due to technical and resource constraints.

Language is a bridge for communication between the two parties. Even good works may be buried due to language barriers.

But not releasing is far better than providing a poorly translated demo, I think.


Just CN Translate



