サークルSBD 2020/01/03 00:00

Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2020






A clip clopping of shoes sounded as Maya turned the corner.
A beautiful young lady, head to toe in black and white and as the fur and fluffy tail suggested, a skunk.
A skunk maid to be exact, as her clothing a maid's working outfit revealed.
But today she isn't a maid rather she has an important message of friendship to deliver from west to east.

Maya came to a stop in the middle of the street, as she noticed an envelope in the middle of the sidewalk.
"Oh? What's this?" The skunk maid said to herself.
She bent over, very carefully to avoid pressing the trigger of her mighty weapon she hides under her dress, to look at it.
"Best wishes in the New Year?" Maya read.
"Oh how sweet!" the skunk gal felt a surge of happiness fill her and her big tuffy tail rose in excitement.

But to the people on the sidewalk, this gesture was not appreciated.
"Skunk!" one man cried.
"And she's bending over!" a bossy looking lady yelled.
"Everyone run!" and with that the whole group of people ran off kicking dust up behind them.
Maya straightened up.
"How rude!" she said. "A skunk's weapon is a point of pride. I would never use it without it being important!"
But everyone had left.
"Ah well." Maya said. "I'd better mail this letter before the year is over."
And with that, the skunk maid walked as quick as she could to the Post Office.

Finally she had arrived.
"Oh good. They're not closed yet." Maya searched her purse. "Money money....it shouldn't be that much."
Before she could count the amount, a big burly wolf ran by, snatching her purse off her arm!
"Hey! I need that to mail this letter of wishes!" She cried.
"Sorry skunk lady." The wolf laughed at her. "I guess it isn't your lucky day."
Two more wolves, a male and a female stood next to him.
"Now leave if you don't want to be dinner" the wolf girl laughed.

Maya's face showed anger, but then it changed to a smile.
"Yeah it's not a lucky day, for you." Maya put her fists at her sides and made a strange face, her tummy blowing up slightly like a balloon ready to burst.
"I hope your ready. Stealing from a skunk has consequences." She turned around and bend over hands on her knees, her big fluffy black and white striped tail raised high behind her like a banner. A banner of Maya's pride as a skunk.

"Take this, you jerk! Mmmmmph!" Maya grunted out and with a loud WOOOOOOSH!
Maya's foul skunk spray blasted out of her butt in a dark yellow cloud.
One by one the wolves were hit with her foul weapon.
Each of their faces comically twisted in disgust.
"OH NO!" the male wolf yelled.
"THAT STINKS!" the lady wolf screamed.

Maya looked over her shoulder with a sexy smile that could melt anyones heart.
"Well how do you like my perfume? It really stinks doesn't it?" Maya gave them a wink. "Would you like more?"
Maya's purse being thrown at her was the answer to that.
They most certainly did not!

Maya laughed as the wolves ran away, her foul stink still clinging to them.
"And have a happy new year!" she called to them teasingly.
"And now. To mail this as well." And mail it Maya did.

Inside was a simple letter that said once sentence..
"To SBD and all the other skunk lovers of Japan. Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2020"




