ChramusDev 2024/07/29 02:41

even more lessons / さらに多くのレッスン

A new product was released last week. This was more of a proof of concept being sold. I wanted to see how much attention it would grab without anouncing it. Not much, but it makes sense:

Low risk + low effort => no reward

I was wondering how low price circles manage to sell. I thought a small intersting concept would work, but now I think it has to do more with the artist's previous work and ambience provided by the text and background.

On a side note, one of my previous plans involved having 3 small products ready before attempting a bigger one. This last one was mostly a failure, but I think it counts. I'll use the lessons learned to make the next product something worthy of your time!


低リスク + 低労力 => 報酬なし


余談ですが、私の以前の計画の 1 つは、大きな製品に取り組む前に 3 つの小さな製品を準備することでした。この最後のステップはほとんど失敗に終わりましたが、これは重要だったと思います。学んだ教訓を活かして、時間をかける価値のある次の製品を作りましょう。




