
2023年 07月の記事 (3)

UndergroundR34Artist 2023/07/21 23:08

New game overs, status screen update

Game overs.

In the demo that I've uploaded previously, there was one game over screen, which was higher in resolution, but more static. In short, I've made game overs (2, as of now, for the first two stages) as they were in my first game.
So, something like this:

I think it is way more erotic when it doesn't change perspective and just shows what's happening to Millie upon loss.
In case you're wondering, I will leave the old game over screen in the game, but you will able to get it in a different, cheeky manner...

Status screen.

I was finally able to understand how to make the text actually work, but it is still clunky as heck. And I'll probably need to make my own font, as there's only one by default (for exception of very small ones), and it's... not particularly good.

Next demo.

If I will be fast enough, I think I'll be able to upload a more updated version of the demo on 31st of July. Hopefully, that will bring you some joy and quality masturbation time.

Follower only stuff.

Remember I've said I've made game overs for 2 stages? Well, I'll be a bit cheeky and won't show the Stage 2 game over yet.
But, I kinda am proud of it, so I fiddled with it a bit to not spoil the game over itself and show some extra content at the same time.


Non-spoiler preview of game over scene for Stage 2.


UndergroundR34Artist 2023/07/14 23:41

Menus, new enemy, stage 3

These 2 weeks.

First of all, I'd like to apologize, because first week of July is a complete blank for me. Which is why it's still about Stage 3... Thus, I'd like to work harder this month, so that issue wouldn't slow development progress.
I will post 21st and either 28th or 31st of this month, instead of just one more post on 28th.

What's new.

Well, the guy from preview here, for example:

That's the "Agile Survivor", AKA Quite-Fast-Dude-With-Knives. As you might have guessed (or, well, seen, at this point), he uses the knife to tear up Millie's clothes for easy access to paizuri.

Menus, status.

I've wanted to add the status screen, which will track the amount of lewd stuff Millie done throughout the game (game overs send this progress back to the last save).
Right now it looks... well, like a mess. Text system in this programm is weird. So for now I left it as is, and will make progress with it later.

Status won't really affect the gameplay, but you'll be able to see slow deterioration of Millie's clothes, her being gradually covered more and more in cum, and her getting more and more addicted to paizuri.
I think that's a nice touch.
There are 32 steps, from a "paizuri virgin" to a "paizuri addict".
I'll leave it to you to see all of them (´◡`).

Follower only.

As always, a bit more content in follower only section.


Nude status screen variation, quality of life showcase.


UndergroundR34Artist 2023/07/01 05:34

Paizuri Hazard Stage 3

Stage 3 map progress.

First of all, I should've checked whether June has 30 or 31 days earlier, as I, once again, made this post in the last hour of June. Sorry for being dumb. I'll try to be less dumb next time. Anyway, basically speaking, map of third stage is done. I need to add some polish and tweaks to it, make sure all the stuff inside it is working properly, and it's done. That means I can start working on H-scenes and enemies of 3rd stage tomorrow.
Right now, I've just placed a couple of enemies from the demo to... well, spice up the screenshots, to be honest. Teehee?

Some more screenshots.

I'm trying to not spoil too much, and as such screenshots aren't too eye-catching.
Also I'll put 2 of them behind the follower only rank. Teehee, again.


2 more screenshots to see.




