
2024年 04月の記事 (5)

UndergroundR34Artist 2024/04/30 23:45

Progress 15


I am 100% responsible for this post being delayed, as I was being lazy and playing the old Tomb Raider games. Apologies for that, I will amend my mistakes soon enough (see: Schedule part of the post).

Promised leisure event

I've promised this last time, the leisure event (name pending?):

Of course, variations will follow. This pose cannot go without lactation and milk-drinking (though I will preface that I don't want to add a nursing handjob, sorry. All the sex in my games must be paizuri! ...nor will she be able to reach his penis in this pose, for that matter...).




UndergroundR34Artist 2024/04/23 07:36

Progress 14

In time (?)

I made this post on 22nd + 90 minutes...
So, not really 22nd, but 23rd won't begin until I sleep and wake up in the morning, right?
To the content.
Slowly but surely I am doing all the clothed variants of animations.

This one, surprisingly, took quite a bit, due to all the open skin and clothing mixed together.

And this was fast, despite me overdoing it and drawing all the clothing parts, even if they are mostly not visible due to her long black hair.


Today's zuri variant


UndergroundR34Artist 2024/04/18 07:00

Progress 13

Keeping it short

Sorry, but I will be keeping it very short today.

Here's the "together" version of the sleepy-time animation, as everything in this game should be done in unison with your waifu:

And a bit more nudity:

Nice, if I do say so myself.


Serafuku zuri


UndergroundR34Artist 2024/04/11 05:57

Progress 12

Slightly misjudged timing

Wanted to get a bit more done by today's post, but misjudged how much time I will need to do that. Oh well. Still, let's see what we've got.

Unlike the naked version, here we can see less boob-droop and a tighter cleavage (´∀`)


Himari resting


UndergroundR34Artist 2024/04/04 05:51

Progress 11


Of course, having the PaiStation 4 ©™® in your apartments means that there will be gaming involved.
Look at her go (ignore the fact that the image on TV screen is still)!

Bonus points if you know what game this is from, heh.

Not much new

This time around I've not prepared too much new stuff. Again. Got ill during these 7 days, and had a chance to play with my brother, which we didn't do in... many years. I apologize for the slowness, as it usually is with me.


08.04 - 10.04. I'll probably do more of the clothed variation of already done animations, including paizuri ones. And some new event, akin to one shown in this/previous post.
For now, gotta let Senpai/You/The Player enjoy some non-paizuri time with Himari.


Cuddly gaming




