
ドットエロの記事 (41)

UndergroundR34Artist 2024/01/10 23:16

Extended cryosleep is over

Ah, the usual

As usual, I'll preface with something I've said a million times by now, but, well:
Sorry for making you all wait and not providing any info.
I'll be providing food (AKA boobs and paizuri related stuff) regularly now. Again.

I'm genuinely annoyed at myself for basically not doing anything and being a supremely lazy idiot for 2 months. 2 months! Ugh.
I guess let's call it a post-Paizuri-Hazard-development-idiotic-procrastination-period?
Anyway, self-bashing out of the way.

Starting today

Today I've finally spent most of the day, as paizuri gods intended, working on making assets for my third game. "Assets" is a bit of a strong word in this case, as I've only managed to make a WIP of the MC-chan walk cycle.

Ironically, boobs is the part that I've not animated yet.
I don't know if my pace is slow, but I'll take it. Maybe I'm slow, but slow and steady is always better than not doing anything.

What exactly is the "third game"?

Let's start off with the protagonist - Himari-chan.
She's an 18 years old cowgirl with a bust measurement of 130+ cm.
Obviously, her breasts lactate. It'd be a sin to make a cowgirl that doesn't lactate.

Right now, of course, in terms of the game there's nothing to see.
It's name should give you a general understanding of what to expect:
"Under One Roof - Cowgirl Paizuri".

This will be a very compact game of you, AKA her senpai, and her, your girlfriend/wife/lover/paizuri obsessed soulmate/kouhai. Most (if not all) the game will be spent in the house, where the two of you will be living the life filled with love.
I plan to make the home as interactive as possible, considering it's a kind of "one screen" game.

That, in it's turn, means that the game won't be like a particular Slave by the name of Jeanette, that was jumping on top of different enemies, nor there will be any particular Hazards and Millies, wielding guns. It'll be a paizuri and pure love oriented sandbox. I think that'd be the best explanation of it in short.

Next update

I'm not confirming anything in particular, but I will be working on assets for the game in a steady pace now. I want to get back to the weekly drops of food for you, which means next one is 17th of January. My main goal, at first, is to make a playable prototype, even if it will be barebones. From there I'll build it's main core and add things up, growing the game little by little.

Seems like for me to be productive, I need to have some time pressure, which is what I now did. Peer pressure will also be nice (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


Thank you for you staying around, hope you had great holidays, love you all, don't drink too much and have a great day! Until next time.


Unnecessary, unrelated, unrelenting micro-rant.


UndergroundR34Artist 2023/11/15 01:36

Paizuri Hazard v1.10


The DLsite staff was lightning fast on this.
Update can already be downloaded and played.
Thank you for waiting!

Software development...

I remember I've said "it's basically done". I've said that 7 hours ago.
And now it's a bit past 1:30 AM.
I've raised a death flag with the abovementioned phrase that I, by now, should've known is dangerous.

The update has just been sent to DLsite staff to check it.
According to what it said, it takes 2 business days on average to complete the procedure.
I'll drop the changelog so you have something to munch on in the meantime.


> Major H-scene visual adjustment.
> RU2 map visual adjustment.
> Dog clipping player into the ground after H-scene.
> Weapon readying sound not playing.
> Stage 3 boss disappearing.
> Stage 2 boss getting stuck.
> Removed autosave from RD4 map on Stage 5, before ending, to avoid softlocks.
> Gallery being unavailable after game completion.
> ...and other.

> Knife projectile is now significantly slower.
> Firing animation sped up to 0.8 seconds.
> Made knife and BE needle projectiles easier to see.
> Roll cooldown is now slightly lesser.
> Defeating (or not) Major now has an impact on Stage 5.

> Full save file added. Check "FULL SAVE.txt" for notes on how to use.
> Gallery updated:
- Workers' Manager Girl animations added.
- Bunny Girl Zombie animations added.
- Female Zombie animations added.
- 2 extra H-scenes (+1 Variation) added.
- Grab animations added.
> God Mode:
- Infinite HP.
- Infinite Ammo.
- Shoot as fast as you can press C.
- Complete QTE by pressing left or right arrow once.
> Paizuri Virgin ending.
> Extra paizuri scene on RU2 map within Stage 3.
> Extra paizuri scene in Hub Inside map:
- Non-spoiler description: Most likely will happen if you sleep after certain boss.
- Spoiler description: Upon acquiring a crowbar and sleeping in the Hub Inside map (won't happen to a Paizuri Virgin).
> Stage 2 gate can now be opened with interaction key (if Chain Cutters were acquired).
> Roll cooldown HUD and cooldown completion sound effect.
> Added controls guide picture in-game.


Thanksies and a few more words.


UndergroundR34Artist 2023/10/30 18:15

Paizuri Hazard has released!

Just in time.

I did manage to release the game in October, and've put it on sale in time too!
Note to myself, though: never promise to release the game in a specific month.
I've barely managed to keep my word and the cost of some quality sleep...



The game has released... 65 minutes ago!
I hope you will enjoy it and there won't be any issues or bugs.

However, if they do occur, I will try my best to remove them.
Please inform me on issues you have with the game in this page.
This page will be dedicated to bugfixes, question regarding game, etc.

Thank you for your support.

I'd like to say thanks to everyone who supported me and to everyone who purchased the game.
If it'd bring you joy, that will make me happy too.
Have a good one.


Info on update


UndergroundR34Artist 2023/10/29 07:25

It is done.


A few minutes ago I've applied the full game to DLsite.
As far as I remember, usually they check games for approximately 3 days (don't quote me on this one though).
So if I'm lucky, it might be out in October.

Funny thing also, I didn't really notice it until now, but the game fits for the halloween time (which I wish for you all to spend happily).

Paizuri Hazard will cost 990 yen with an initial 10% sale that will last 7 days upon it's release. It will be out on DLsite exclusively (at least for foreseeable future).


October was... was there October, actually? I don't remember it as I've spent pretty much all the time working on the game.
Speaking of working, it is past 1 AM, I've underslept (few days in a row) and my head feels boo-boo. Not complaining though, it is rewarding in it's own way.

Also I will say that there will be a dedicated post on ci-en when the game releases, for all the issues, suggestion, et cetera, et cetera.
I, unfortunately, cannot guarantee that in case of some sort of issue I will be able to fix it, which is why I strongly recommend first checking if the demo runs fine. I've heard some people complaining that Pixel Game Maker MV games don't run for them.

Mostly I've ironed out all the issues that I could, but some ground-clipping still can occur (Sorry).
As well as glitchy enemy damage receiving detection (Sorry...). Apart from that, I think I've polished everything.

But once again, players can break games in a myriad of ways that will make me wake up in cold sweat. I am such a player for different developers too, after all...


Sales page previews.


UndergroundR34Artist 2023/10/22 05:11

Closer and closer

Okay, so... Nearly all assets (except for: Title screen image, cutscenes and boss HP HUD, which shouldn't take too much time) are done. I'm stressing out a bit to get everything done in time, but all's going very smoothly.
Thumbnail in full by the way:

If no stupid hurdles or roadblocks occurs, next update will be about uploading the game to DLsite and their checking process.

Last time I posted the titty expansion animation I found it a bit unfinished. So I fixed it:

Slightly more titty movement than before and, well... breast milk. It is a fine addition to any paizuri, no?


Breast expansion "stunned" animation.


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