
Handholdingの記事 (6)

UndergroundR34Artist 2024/06/27 23:34

Progress 25 (Build 3)


Just in case I'll make this little preface:
There is a summer sale of my games on itch.io!


As always, the last hours of production were the most hellish.
Debugging is hard when there is nothing that you can gleam out of debug tools on what's causing the problem. Debugging is even harder when it's the development tool that is causing the problem, rather than your own creation. Fortunately for my sanity, I've already had same issue before with Paizuri Hazard. That helped me in today's battle, surely, but it still was a pain before I've finally found the root.

Where was I... Oh, yes.


Build 3


UndergroundR34Artist 2024/06/24 22:13

Progress 24 (Build 2)


So, technically speaking, the paizuri is here. It took surprisingly more than I anticipated (though I gotta say power outages for most of the day don't help too). Presumably because I'm trying to make the system modular, AKA easily expandable and well-built. Feels like I'm smart and all that (wouldn't bet on it) - ‿◦.


Build 2


UndergroundR34Artist 2024/06/21 22:38

Progress 23 (BUILD 1)

I guess you wonder where I've been...

Please excuse me if this post is gonna be rambley, all over the place, and half-manic: working in PGMMV (Pixel Game Maker MV) does that to people. It's a blessing for someone without knowledge of programming languages, but hell at the same time due to it's simplified nature. Though I'm sure that 99% of game creators have the love-hate relationship with their respective software creation tools all the same...
Anyway, in my defense regarding long abstinence: nothing. No defense, your Honor, send me to the wolves.
I've got hooked on playing Abiotic Factor with my friend, and I thoroughly recommend you do the same. It's a brilliant game, especially if:
- With friends;
- You're a fan of Half-Life;
- You're a fan of SCP;
- You're a fan of Survival games.

Last of zuri variants

Here, have a micro content dump!


I nearly forgot, but all of my works on DLsite are currently on sale!


Build 1


UndergroundR34Artist 2024/06/11 23:16

Progress 22

Small amount of goods

Today I've got just a little bit of food for you, unfortunately.

Worry not, however, I've got good news.


Some good news.


UndergroundR34Artist 2024/06/05 14:01

Progress 21

Delayed... but not by me.

A long power outage decided that I will not post it on time.
So here I am, early in the morning of the next day.


More milk!


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