
STARTの記事 (5)

Noodle Translations 2024/05/25 04:03

[New Project] Double Succubi + queue update

Next project

The next ASMR I'll be working on is the twin succubus work from Mayotama. Two points to consider: it's not as sadistic as the ones from Schildkrote, and Chiroru Ooyama has such a silky smooth voice in it...♥

Queue update

There's now a queue of works I plan to translate on the blog's main page. I'll also do my best to regularly update the progression status for the active project so you can have a better idea of when stuff will get done.

Noodle Translations 2024/05/05 04:32

[New Project] Lewd Crest

Alright, the pace isn't quite where I'd like it to be yet, but it's steadily getting better. With RJ433623 sent for review, I'm starting work on RJ01112100, an ASMR from a circle that I made my first Translators Unite translation for!

I've been sitting on it for quite a while now, but since someone else started to work on a translation before me, I gave up on it out of courtesy. However, seeing as the status of their translation hasn't changed for like 5 months already, I've decided to have a crack at it anyway. Worst case scenario, you'll just have two versions to pick from ;)

Noodle Translations 2024/04/28 22:17

[New Project] More succubi

I might have accidentally jinxed myself by saying March was "going to be my month". Those were some truly awful 60 days, but at least they're finally over and I feel like I'm in a better place now mentally.

It also didn't help that RJ435328 was super long, so it took me some time to get through it, but better late than never, I guess. I can now move on to the next request, RJ433623. It's not as long, so I hope I can deliver it faster than the last one, but I've learned my lesson and won't be making any promises ;)

Noodle Translations 2024/03/02 19:12

Noodle Translations 2024/02/10 14:00



