
ゲームの記事 (3)

Yaizo 2024/03/26 20:04


It has taken longer than i would have wanted becuse its my first time animating but i have managed to get some work done.

Idle animation which im happy with

Attack animation im also happy with and i might improve it more later on.

walking animation which im not happy with so i will propably remake later.

I have also started working on the first monster and i spent a few days learning unity which was quite difficult for my first time but i will make it work.

Note: these animation is just the begging so they could very much change as i learn and improve.

Yaizo 2024/03/18 21:00

Yaizo 2024/03/18 09:50

Project: Onset

I want to start by saying that im sorry and i dont speak Japanese but i hope i can be forgiven. However im learning so i hope that i can make my posts easier to undertand in the future for people from asian regions which is the majority of people using ci-en.

Tittle may be changed later in the future. (Onset)

Main character

As of making this post I have been working on this project for 2 weeks. Learning and making with all the available time I have.

The Game is still in early development and my main focus has been to make the level sprites and make the character/MC cute enough to start animation. Soo far I have managed to achieve that and the design for level 1, all that’s left is the animation and polishing to have a working demo for the game which I hope to get out within a months’ time.

The game is going to take place in a hospital where a girl wakes up from a coma like state with no memory, just to find out that the world is filled with monsters and mutated beings who seem to have a strong impulse to breed.

I want to focus more on the gameplay aspect than story for now. However i do have some ideas to include levels like ground 0 where the infection begun with some plot and bosses with their own unique animations.

I plan for this game to be under the tags of (#monster, #horror, #side-scroller, #eggs, #pregnancy, #rape, #beastiality, #monster-girl, #creampie, #animated) maybe a few more.

Level designs

Monster design ideas

Any ideas/opinions/suggestions are welcome 💕



