
アンケート結果の記事 (1)

ゆるなか 2020/08/16 22:11


今日は昨日書いていたとおり、竿役アンケートの結果などについて書いていきます!赤ずきんRPG以外の内容が多くてすみません💦 短編のマップ制作依頼などは今のうちから始めたいので紹介させて頂いてる感じです!



今回は過去最高の326件のご回答をいただけました!皆様本当にご協力ありがとうございます!これはかなり制作の指標になりますね~😎 結果の内訳はこんな感じになりました!

やはり根強い人気がありましたね~年齢のギャップや見た目のギャップ、性格のねっとり感など色々な点において人気だったんでしょうか😳 そして二位はエロガキ!以前のアンケートでは1位でしたし、ショタおねは思ったより人気があるんですね~( ´艸`)





次に赤ずきんの作業の合間に依頼を受けて描いたキャラクターと、個人的に過去に描いたキャラをリメイクしたもの、そしてそのキャラクターのアンケートを公開させて頂きます! 前と同じでたっぷんに各種差分もおいてます~













あらすじまとめ.zip (25.91MB)







English translation

Today, as I was writing yesterday, I'm going to write about the results of the polework survey and more! Sorry for the non-RPG content💦 I feel like I'm introducing short story map production requests and the like to you now, because I want to get started!

The results of the polework survey

First of all, let's talk about the polework survey!

We received a record 326 responses this time around! Thank you all so much for your help! That's pretty much a measure of production 😎 The breakdown of the results looks like this!

First place goes to........old man!
There was still a deep-rooted popularity 😳 and second place is the erotic kid! I was number one in a previous survey, and Shota-One is more popular than I thought!

And the charlatan, the sketchy veggie guy, and the creepy guy are close in votes, and the cute shorty is doing surprisingly well - I guess it's the Allen effect.

And the tentacles and slime are surprisingly low! I thought it was a standard RPG thing, so this number of votes was surprising - I hope it's not because I don't seem to be able to draw well 😂

I'm sure we'll see more of the popular rod roles that were so popular this time around, so stay tuned! Of course, I'd like to do the other lesser ones from time to time if I can think of a situation - I'd like to do that from time to time!

Four new characters and a survey.

Sorry I didn't finish translating characters! Vote by the looks of it. However, I've finished translating the synopsis into English, which I'll regret later, so I hope you'll take a look.
Next, I'm going to release a character I was commissioned to draw in between working on Red Riding Hood, a remake of a character I personally drew in the past, and a survey for that character! It's the same as before, with diffs in many cases.

I'm a momma character, a florist, and a sister of Kunoichi!

I'll be looking at the percentage, or rather the number of votes, so don't hesitate to vote for multiple characters you like 💖

Short stories to be released in September or October

And, as I said in a previous post, I've finally decided to decide on the next few short stories I'm going to make because I need to prepare, etc.! This is a short story composed of a popular character from the recent survey of original characters, and a character I drew this time.

I've worked with my supporters to put together two images for each of the characters and their concepts, so I hope you'll take a look at them! Too many letters... 😂

By the way, the left is the synopsis and the right is the concept & possible h-scene, so I'm not interested in what the story is about! If you think "I'm not a fan of this", please just look at the right side.

(1) A short story about a maiden and her daughter.

(2) Leesha & Irina short stories

(3) Erna short story

(4) Sylphia & Elaine short stories

(5) Ninja Sisters Short Story

English characters.zip (19.56MB)


That's it! Please send me your thoughts on this concept and any requests you would like to make for this short story →[H Event Request for Short Story Proposal]. I'd be very happy to write to you at (https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4912/issue/177/929a7d95aebc72906c9c4912)! I'll use it as a reference, so please send me more sexually explicit situations and plays 😊 We are also conducting a survey on which works we would like to see prioritized in the Tapun plan, so if you are interested, we would be happy to have you join us 😚 That's it for this post! Thank you for reading this long post!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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