
無料プランの記事 (148)

BrOkEn eNgLiSh 2023/03/16 07:09

Progress for 0.8

Gosh...those harem sex scenes take more time then I expect
anyway, here's plan for the 0.8 version

It should be finish around 3/27~29

Guarantee will have:
1. Harem wedding for final ending of the main story
which have 7 sex scenes (include that 3 harem sex scene in 0.75 gallery)

  1. More bug fix Might have if I have time:
    The dancer's side character system, like other importent side character

總之, 以下為0.8的預計計畫


1.後宮婚禮, 以此做為主線結尾

如果時間充裕, 可能會有:
舞孃的配角系統, 就像其他重要配角一樣



BrOkEn eNgLiSh 2023/03/04 06:10

0.75 was finished

Killing bugs makes my head hurt
there's still tiny bug for the NTR system
but everything should be playable

Remember you can press "Q"~!
and use the menu to disable the NTR system
it will also reset the NTR progress

(Button "W" is for partner menu.)

0.75 content:

  1. Lots of bugs fix and some system adjustment,
    such as change the MP consume from teleporter from 100% to -100.

  2. "Side character's pregnant belly system"
    When her finsh her impregnation scene,
    her stand picture will change to pregnant belly after 5 days,
    and it will trigger pregnant belly sex scene when you make love with them during that time.
    (There're only cow lady and the thane,
    there might be more in the future.)

  3. "NTR system" (can turn off from Q buttom menu)
    After player meet "Bob", and finish mission to get a side character,
    if you didn't have sex with her 5 days,
    it will trigger NTR scene(there's won't be anything bad happen to player)
    there will be 4 stage, reject->accept->harass->sex,
    and if you have sex with them, the stage will go back 1 stage.
    (There're only cow lady and the thane and the nun,
    there might be more in the future.)

  4. Picture for the game title menu.

  5. I finished some scripts and pictures for the harem systems,
    I'll place them in the gallery so you guys can take a look.
    (The dancer's scene isn't finish due to the script grammer isn't check yet,
    so there're only pictures for that scene.)

  6. "System for nun after the party"
    For immersive, after player told nun to leave the party,
    there's a chance that she will leave the church
    and do sometime herself, such as helping others.


來關閉NTR系統, 同時會將NTR進度徹底歸零


  1. 大量錯誤修正與一些系統調整

  2. "配角的孕婦做愛系統"
    當好感or淫亂到達100, 觸發種付事件
    (目前只有牛娘和女領主, 可能以後會再新增其他角色的孕婦做愛場景)

  3. "NTR系統" (可藉由Q鍵的選單關閉避免觸發)
    當玩家和絕倫男結識, 並成功攻略某配角後
    如果5天不做愛, 就會觸發事件(不會有任何負面影響)
    總共有4階段, 拒絕->接受->性騷擾->做愛
    (目前只有修女和牛娘和女領主, 可能以後會再新增其他角色的NTR場景)

  4. 遊戲開啟時的選單封面圖

  5. 我先做好了一些後宮系統的文本和圖

  6. "修女離隊後系統"
    好讓玩家有帶入感, 修女在離隊後
    有機率會離開教堂去做自己的事情, 像是幫助他人

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BrOkEn eNgLiSh 2023/02/23 05:40

Report for 0.75

Due to lots of bug in 0.7,
so I plan to upload 0.75 instead of 0.8 first.

If things went well,
it can be finish around 2/27 or 28,
but if not, it'll be upload around early March.

Plan for 0.75:

  1. Lots of bugs fix and some system adjustment,
    such as change the MP consume from teleporter from 100% to -100.

  2. Side character's pregnant belly system
    When her finsh her impregnation scene,
    her stand picture will change to pregnant belly after 5 days,
    and it will trigger pregnant belly sex scene when you make love with them during that time.
    (There're only cow lady and the thane,
    there might be more in the future.)

  3. NTR system(can turn off from Q buttom menu)
    After player meet "Bob", and finish mission to get a side character,
    if you didn't have sex with her 5 days,
    it will trigger NTR scene(there's won't be anything bad happen to player)
    there will be 4 stage, reject->accept->harass->sex,
    and if you have sex with them, the stage will go back 1 stage.
    (There're only cow lady and the thane and the nun,
    there might be more in the future.)

  4. Picture for the game start menu.

  5. I finished some scripts and pictures for the harem systems,
    I'll place them in the gallery so you guys can take a look.


如果情況順利, 或許2/27或28可以完成
不過不順利則會是3月初才會上傳, 不好意思


  1. 大量錯誤修正與一些系統調整

  2. 配角的孕婦做愛系統
    當好感or淫亂到達100, 觸發種付事件
    (目前只有牛娘和女領主, 可能以後會再新增其他角色的孕婦做愛場景)

  3. NTR系統(可藉由Q鍵的選單關閉避免觸發)
    當玩家和絕倫男結識, 並成功攻略某配角後
    如果5天不做愛, 就會觸發事件(不會有任何負面影響)
    總共有4階段, 拒絕->接受->性騷擾->做愛
    (目前只有修女和牛娘和女領主, 可能以後會再新增其他角色的NTR場景)

  4. 遊戲開啟時的選單封面圖

  5. 我先做好了一些後宮系統的文本和圖



BrOkEn eNgLiSh 2023/02/01 16:36

0.7 final battle for both version had fixed

0.7 final battle for both version had fixed
the tentacle can be kill by killing the body now
dowload had been resend, sorry about that, again QwQ

0.7最終決戰的錯誤修正, 並重新上傳了遊戲
下載的檔案已經重新上傳, 不好意思再度造成困擾QwQ



BrOkEn eNgLiSh 2023/02/01 06:22

0.7 Succubus fixed

Sorry, like I said
I know there's something that I missing

I change the previous post's download link
so supporter can download the fixed version there

English version
Succubus scene after final battle had been fixed
but who knows, there might be more

if you find any bug
feel free to leave comment or email me, by email or twitter
just remember to give me detail so I can able to fix the problem

In case you can't find my email or twitter
email: r912776@yahoo.com.tw
twitter: https://twitter.com/Yg7vTGFmgmHfRks?lang=zh-tw


不過, 如果你們有發現問題, 歡迎各位留言or寄信給我

email: r912776@yahoo.com.tw
twitter: https://twitter.com/Yg7vTGFmgmHfRks?lang=zh-tw



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