なめジョン / excessm 2023/11/14 10:36

How to change language & Translation Guide

This article uses a translation from DeepL.

English version data(Ver2.02 Supported)

PUNCH_BOY_2_ver2.02.zip (293.23kB)


Created by volunteers. they are using GPT. Some parts are still in Japanese.

The developer cannot guarantee that text data produced by volunteers will work properly. Please understand this in advance before installing the software.

How to replace text data

0, Be sure to do this with the game not running!

1, Unzip the downloaded translation patch zip and copy all the text files inside.

2、Open the "SUPERPUNCHBOY" game directory and select "SUPERPUNCHBOY_Data" -> "StreamingAssets".

3, Paste over all the txt files copied in "1".

4, Now when you start the game, you will see the customized text
The customized text will be applied.

Translation Method

"Super Punch Boy" does not support languages other than Japanese. However, it is being built to facilitate translation by volunteers. Here is an explanation of how to do this for those who are willing to do the translation.

[Text data location]


This folder contains the text data used in the game. Rewriting the contents of this folder will also replace the text in the game.

[Description of each text data]

It contains the names and descriptions of words that appear in the game.

A more detailed description of "Text_UI.txt" is provided.

It contains data such as conversation events.

It contains name data for characters and proper nouns.

Not used in the game.

Not used in the game.

Not used in the game.

Not used in the game.

Not used in the game.

Not used in the game.

[Characters that should not be used or erased in translation]

@ , = , | , # , [ , ] , /

These symbol characters are used to separate data. Never use them. Also, do not erase symbol characters that have been used from the beginning.

Attention (heed)

We cannot be held responsible if your translation work causes the game to not work properly.

If you send the translated text data to the developer,
Please make sure to check that everything is working properly before sending it to the developer.
Please make sure that everything is working properly before you send it to the developer.

Details: Text_Event_Prod.txt

Lines beginning with "[[" : Instruction statement to perform the direction. Never change it.

Lines beginning with "[[[" : Instruction statement to perform the direction. Never change it.

Lines beginning with "[][" : Instruction statement to perform the direction. Never change it.

Lines beginning with "]]" : Instruction statement to perform the direction. Never change it.

Lines beginning with "]]]" : Instruction statement to perform the direction. Never change it.




