Ai-soletty 2024/04/28 02:53

師匠とヨガ Master & Yoga


I heard a rumor that a beautiful yoga trainer had recently appeared on the scene.
When I heard this rumor, I immediately guessed it.
Because my master had once told me, "I'm going to teach something other than swimming at a sports club.
"Master, you teach yoga at a sports club?"
When I told her this at dinner, she nodded.
She said, "You have a quick ear, Shotaro. I've been asked to take on a temporary position in place of a trainer who has fallen ill. I had learned it when I was studying physical training in the past, so I told him that I can teach them if my poor yoga skills are good enough."

Since she is the master, she must be all over the place, annoying everyone with her unselfconsciously erotic outfits.
"You're not teaching me in something strange, are you?"
When I asked her just to be sure, she was mortified.
"Have I ever gone out in public looking funny?"

'There have been many times...'
Not liking my continued skepticism, she showed me a picture on her cell phone screen.
She said, "This picture was taken by someone who liked my training! Look, it's a normal training outfit!"
She looked pleased, but my hunch was right and I held my forehead. 

Look at the way the people in the background have their noses stretched out...
And I am even more astonished when I see the next picture.
"Master..., is this...?"
I pointed at it and Master looked at it and let out a small sigh,
"Oh...., Many people have stiff bodies and cannot keep their posture. So when I stick with them like this and support them with my hands, they all do their best. This person usually can't hold his posture for even 10 seconds, but this time he was able to maintain it for 60 seconds. Isn't that amazing? That's because of my guidance."

No, it's not because of the instruction, it's because of the different gifts that are about to spill out.
If I can look at her boobs like this, I can keep my posture for hours.
I thought so, but I couldn't say anything.



