D’s Production 2023/12/30 22:24

《森林の侵略者シンネミア》7 マップ完成

















Production Progress Report

 The tasks that were worked on this month can be summarized into the following three points.

Illustration Drawing

 Firstly, the illustration that was being worked on since the end of last month has been completed. With this, a total of three illustrations have been completed for this project.
 The final number of illustrations to be drawn has not been decided yet. At the very least, one more illustration must be created. Although it's an extremely small number for an adult-oriented game, this project was originally conceived as a short game, so we can't afford to be too extravagant.

Background Map Image Drawing

 Next, the images of the maps where units engage in battles have been completed.
 Previously, as a temporary measure, the background was displayed by endlessly aligning the same image seamlessly.

 However, this approach lacked variety as progress continued, and the sensation of invading enemy territory was faint. This time, while based on this image, I modified it and created around ten images by placing objects like rocks and bodies of water.

▲The top shows rocks, and the bottom shows a pond. Each image is designed to seamlessly connect, forming an expansive map when reused several times.

 There is still a sense of progressing through similar places, but it seems much more rewarding than having nothing at all.

▲Map from the beginning to the middle of the game.

 Additionally, objects like rocks and bodies of water have gameplay effects, blocking the passage of ground units. Testing the game revealed that these elements surprisingly contribute to changing the game dynamics, making it a reasonable feature.
 Some maps have simple animations.

 All the images for this project, including the backgrounds, are self-made. Until now, I had limited experience with background art, especially with natural elements like plants (Backgrounds for Queen of Massacre were also self-made, but they mostly consisted of artificially created structures with straight lines and planes). This time, attempting it seriously for the first time, I've identified numerous areas for improvement. However, for a first attempt, I'm somewhat satisfied with the results. I plan to deepen my research on background art and continue honing my skills in the future.

Game Programming and Balance Adjustment

 The third point is the creation of the game itself, which is still not complete. I've been incorporating the created background images, creating maps, implementing various small features that were put off, and adjusting the game balance. The game is already at a playable level, and I've been playing it myself as test plays. It seems to be quite an interesting game.

 For established genres like action games, RPGs, or simulation RPGs, the system's appeal is somewhat guaranteed, and the challenge lies in enriching the content. On the other hand, this project, Forest Invader Sinemia is an unknown game that doesn't fit into existing genres. While it has some similarities with simulation RPGs, it's not exactly that. Whether it's enjoyable or not is unknown until it's created. However, having played the near-complete version, I personally find it reasonably enjoyable and feel a sense of relief.

 However, extremely delicate balance adjustments are necessary. Until recently, it was an ultra-high difficulty game that even the author couldn't clear. After some adjustments, it has become an extremely easy game where winning is almost guaranteed. Further adjustments are needed to make it a bit more challenging. Due to the game's system, there's a possibility of reaching a situation where defeat is inevitable, requiring a restart from the beginning. In such cases, players might feel like giving up, so I want to be careful not to let it happen while also providing a sense of tension that they might lose if they don't play well. Of course, this is an idealistic thought, and how much can be achieved is unknown. However, it's a challenge worth undertaking.

▲ Current game screen. The amount of resources obtained significantly influences the military strength. Adjusting this quantity has been a challenge for the developer.

 In the paid articles, you can view the latest production images.

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