Morning Explosion 2021/12/19 16:16

Age of Ashesの発売日延期について申し上げます。

こんにちは、Morning Explosionサークルです。
Hello, This is Morning Explosion Circle.

本日12月19日に「Age of Ashes」の発売日を延期することになり、誠に申し訳ございません。
I'm Sorry For Say the News About "Age of Ashes"'s Publish Date Has Been Delayed.

私について / About Me

私、Morning Explosionは個人ゲーム制作サークルで、現在4世紀の末、分裂したローマ帝国から復讐のために旅行するフン族少女の物語に関するエロRPGゲームを製作中です。
Me, Morning Explosion is Personal Game Circle, And Now I'm Making a Game That Story About Hunnic Girl Who Travel The Devided Roman Empire For Her Revenge.

私の過ち / My Fault

It Should Be Publish Today 0 A.M, But Because Headache During Make CG, The Game Making Plan and Publish Date Has Been Delayed.

The CG That Occur The Headache Was Not H-Scene's CG, It Was Story CG.

The Product is 96& Completed, And i Must Final Events and Recording Room.

私のコンディションと製作計画の失敗による発売日発売日が延期になったことを皆さんにお伝えすることになって 本当に申し訳ありません。
Because My Condition and Game Making Plan's Failure, I'm Sorry For Say You About Publish Date Has Been Delayed.

それに、"Age of Ashes"が12月19日に発売されると思い込んでいた方々と、私をサポートしてくださる方々には失望感を与えました。
So, I Give Disappointment The People Who Know "Age of Ashes" is Publish 12-19, and My Product's Supporters.

私が責任を取るべき方法 / The Way I Should Take Responsibility

"Age of Ashes"の発売日は予定日の12月19日から、短くは2週間後長くは1ヶ月後にずれる予定です。
The Publish Date of "Age of Ashes" Will Be Change From 12-19 to
In Shortly : 2 Weeks Later, Long : 1 Month Later

12-19 Was Very Important Day For My Life, and Very Sad Day, So I Wished to Publish My All Product In That Date, I Make So Long Time In Day and Got Headache, And I Send a News About The Publish Date Has Been Delayed.

But, The Publish Date Has Been Decided, I'll Make a Game That You Can Get More Fun, And More Completly.

Once Again, I'm Sorry For Send a News About Game's Publish Date Has Been Delayed.

Thank You, So Much.

Morning Explosionサークル
Morning Explosion Circle

次の作品でも馬の鎧を描いたらいいのか心配になります…… X)
I Wonder I Should Draw Horse Armor Again In Next Product...... X)

Thank You.



