ChramusDev 2022/09/05 13:24

Next project / 次のプロジェクト

I finished the basic functionallity for cutscenes, but creating a cutscene for tower of the nymph would require remodeling some poses and elements. I want to avoid detailing a project that was supposed to be the next small step, so I will mark it as done and move to the next small one. I think making a remake in the future would be better than trying to make it perfect now.

For the next one, I'm thinking about a "hunt and gather" game. I have some ideas for improving the fighting system. I want to add a demon/cow girl to practice adding special features to the caracters.

I'm planning to spend a little more time in the initial design before making and animating the models. It will be a small project again, but I want to improve some details in the environment and character design.

カットシーンの基本的な機能は完成しましたが、ニンフ タワーのカットシーンを作成するには、いくつかのポーズと要素を変更する必要があります。次の小さなステップになるはずだったプロジェクトについて詳しく説明したくないので、完了としてマークし、次の小さなステップに進みます。今完璧にしようとするよりも、将来リメイクしたほうがいいと思います。






