Little Boy 2021/12/31 16:03

What I'll be doing for the next year...?

Happy new year!!!

I'm currently working on the short NTR story I mentioned in my last few posts, hope it'll be done by early February...? Also, I'll be pausing the bill cycle for January since there won't have any new info on the main game.

Don't worry! I'm not abandoning my main game!

There's two reasons why I chose to work on a side story for now:

I have the story and scenes for Chapter 3 already in my head, but as I mentioned in my last few posts, I want the player to have more freedom in the progression (Chapter 1 and 2 is too linear in my opinion), to make it more 'open world'. And since this open world experience will be carried on into future chapters, I want it to be implemented well in the first try. Currently, I have a rough idea on how to make it work, but it still feels like a jumbled up mess inside my mind, heh!

So, while I'm trying to come up with the open world-like experience for Chapter 3, I'll be working on the short story. Maybe the entire thing will be much clearer to me if I take the main game off of my mind for awhile...

The second reason is... I want to try my hands on some sprite animations, which I will implement on this upcoming short story! I think sprite animations will work great in the main game too with Anya... So please tell me what you think about it when the short story comes out!

Oh, I'll be working part time starting February, so expect shorter waiting time between chapters next year!

Happy new year!!!

Happy new year!!!

Happy new year!!!







