Little Boy 2022/01/31 00:29

Update on short story!

Congratulations, the Human Instrumentality Project is a success.
With this new technology, the future generations are able to live forever.
They will no longer have to suffer from the feeling of losing a loved one...


You play as a boy, along with three other girls.

You four are grown in the same lab, gifted with immortality.
Throughout the game, you will get to know more about the girls,
developing a relationship with one of them.

The four of you grew closer and closer, it would seems like nothing will be able to break you four apart. After all, the goal of the Human Instrumentality Project is to eliminate the feeling of losing a loved one in the world...

Base HCG = 12 (21+ Events)


In my last post, I mentioned this story will be released on early February.
Well, that's not going to happen, heh.
This story is not as short as I thought it was.
Therefore, I'm moving the release date to the end of February.

I'm sorry for the wait! Please don't hate me!!!


Any information on Chapter 3...?


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Only until Chapter 2!!!

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