しろなみこと🤍 2024/04/15 21:00

An English subtitled PDF has been added.


This article is about the three maids, "Usami Ichigo," "Misono Karin," and "Nanae Kurumi," hired by Shirona Mikoto as her signboard girls, who make interesting announcements and promotions for you, the viewer of this article.......

Hi, guys !
I'm Usami Ichigo, a maid girl !
I'm good at drawing a illustlation !
And, I am assisting the master, Shirona Mikoto !

I'm Misono Karin, a maid girl...
I am a sound staff...

I'm Nanae Kurumi, a maid girl.
I am a dance choreography staff.

Ichigo, Kurumi and Karin !
Together the three of us are a team called ”Ichigo Milk” !

Well..I see...
If you read ”Kurumi” (walnut) backwards in Japanese, it becomes ”milk”....
But where is my name...?

The show must go on!
Here, we go!

I'm here, too.....

Well, well, well !
Before I get into the introduction of the contents of this issue, I have something to tell you !
Yes, it's you !
It's youuuuuuuuu !!

We would appreciate it if you could click the ”Favorite(★お気に入り)” button at the top of the page !
Thank you for your cooperation~~ !

Please, we appreciate your cooperation.
See, Shirona Mikoto should ask fans to do the same.



We must explain this article.......

Ok, that's it !
Now let's get to explaining what the article is about !

1000yen plan's benefit added....
An English subtitled e-book (PDF) has been added now.......

Please, check it.......


Thank you so much for your support...!
Your kindness is greatly appreciated...!
It is a very difficult task to make an English version, so I don't know yet if I can continue to do it every time...
But, I always do my best...!

Thank you for reading!

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