たにし 2022/09/08 13:04

I've decided to keep a diary starting today 💕

Yaho ~ ! It's me, Alice ♪

Did you come to this page because of my naughty selfies?
Don't bother trying to hide it. I took those pictures to attract stupid guys like you lol
Men are really simple, huh?

So, yeah.
I'll be adding to this diary whenever I feel like it ♪
I'm going to talk a lot about a slave I recently started training!

He was originally an upperclassman at my school but I made him give himself up as my slave 💕
He's a little awkward but it just adds to his cuteness 💕

I'll also upload some naughty pics sometimes 💕

Look at them. Do you think my boobs might have grown again?
Come on, look closer 💕

Don't you like my big, beautiful breasts?
Maybe you'd like to see me taking off my underwear?

Fufu... too bad 💕
There's no way I'd show them to some random strangers, right?
You'll just have to use whatever I give you to masturbate instead 💕


I wouldn't mind showing them to one of my cute slaves...
Hm ~ ? Maybe you want to be my slave, too?

Just to see my tits? lol
Would you like that? Would you swear absoulute loyalty to me?
You'd have to do everything I tell you to, no matter how humiliating.

You'd sign a slave contract 💕

You'd give me all the money you have 💕

You masturbate and cum only when I allow you to 💕

And no matter how hard you work, even at the risk of your own life, your reward will be...

Just some pictures I casually took in my free time 💕
Just that and in exchange you dedicate your life to working for me and being exploted by me 💕
Just a much more convenient ATM 💕

You really should stop 💕
Ruining your whole life just for a pair of boobs... I'm starting to feel a bit sorry for you 💕




But if you are so willing to be my slave...
I don't mind letting you masturbate to my breasts 💕

If you really want to be my slave, please join the [Alice-sama's Tribute Slave ♡] plan.
It'll act as a formal agreement making you my slave 💕

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