
無料プランの記事 (22)

STPerfectKazeko. 2022/10/31 19:47

Dareia Fortress - ステータス

The work on "Dareia Fortress" was resumed. I'm revoking Action RPG and redoing On-Map Combat. Also, I'm redesigning overall fortress plan to make it more linear and straightforward. I also decided to reduce amount of horror and reduce darkness.





STPerfectKazeko. 2022/10/14 13:28

ブログエントリー - 10月のスタート

Things are a bit harsh and I'm still struggling for my survival.
There are plans to release the first game build that is more like tech demo rather than a full-fledged game. I'm also working on another BF project that basically should transform Broken Mirror into a more original game.

This time, I won't write much. I'm sorry. It's mostly because I don't know what to write about, I barely even made any progress because of my health problems (and laziness too!).

I expected to have the first game alpha build just by now and it's almost done... But... almost is almost...
There are only three enemies and three scenes, but I think it should be enough for preview.

本格的なゲームというよりは、むしろ技術デモのような最初のゲームビルドをリリースする計画があります。また、別のBFプロジェクトにも取り組んでいて、基本的にBroken Mirrorをよりオリジナルなゲームに変身させるはずです。

今回は、あまり書きません。ごめんなさい. というのも、体調不良のため(そして怠惰のため!)、ほとんど何も進んでいないのです。





STPerfectKazeko. 2022/09/15 12:47

[エロスクサリア 転生のアリア]小さな進歩

Work on the "Erosxalia Aria of Reincarnation" is still going on.
The game setting is going to be like an abstract nonsense. It's because of many major succubus magic influence, most of biomes in the world of Erosxalia have mutated.

「エロスクサリア 転生のアリア」は現在も進行中です。




STPerfectKazeko. 2022/09/04 20:14

ブログエントリー - 9月のスタート

I'm sorry that I haven't written anything for a long while. Had to gather up my thoughts. I'm still fighting my physical and mental exhaustion.
There were things I had to deal with and some things I'd like to get done. I'd like to talk about projects progress and plans on this month.


Dareia Fortress

As a matter of the fact, I don't know what to do with this game right now. I believe it needs a large redesign.

Let's start with the overall design problem I've mentioned previously.
First of all, the way this fortress is designed have made issues I don't know how to deal with... The maze and empty rooms... No, seriously - a lot of empty rooms. Pointless, dead endish, empty rooms with no point. All the current dungeon's purpose is... to find succubus' room and not get killed in real time by the monsters.
It's... frustrating... If you also add the gimmick that the Earth labyrinth has no illumination - you have to find the engine room and enable the power so the lights would turn on! Super frustrating!



I understand that if I want to make a crazy labyrinth then it must have some meaning... But it just doesn't work here - I tried, or at least I made an attempt to think of any sense for it. Nope.
I should probably begin with something different.


I want to redesign it. I don't want to put a waste to the art assets I created for the project, but I just... can't think of anything better for the gameplay part?

These empty rooms and labyrinth make me crazy! (in a bad sense)

Maybe I should make it classical "complete stage by stage", instead of "pick your dungeon in any order".


Anyway, for now I'd like to put it on HOLD. Yes, I'm really sorry... You might get angry, but if at this stage I'll just keep forcing myself to work on this game, I risk completing a bad game. Until I find a solution for a better redesign, I cannot work on it. Please, forgive me!


Erosxalia : Aria of Reincarnation

If "Dareia Fortress" causes me struggling with creating proper gameplay, then "Erosxalia" does its job pretty well... as a primitive dungeon labyrinth game with lewd elements.

I tried a more simpler approach...
Simple dungeon journey with simple graphics.
No epic plot. No hard work I cannot get done.

A futanari heroine fighting with monster girls!
Just grind EXP! Get to the top level! Beat final boss!...
Happy END?!


ただひたすらEXPを稼ぐ 最上階に行け! ラスボスを倒せ!...

Maybe I can get this project completed? Well, if I post a game build after each dungeon floor is done.


Lilith of the Broken Mirror

I really want to resume working on my fan-game based on Circle-tekua's games.
This is something that gave me joy while working on and it motivated me to improve my art (even if by little)


I believe it would be a waste to just forget about it, especially since I already have a draft story and epilogue. So I really look forward to continue this story!



As always, I cannot promise anything, but I will do my best to get at least one of my projects to realisation. Even by little steps! I think I'll focus on Broken Mirror and Erosxalia since these two give me the most passion.

And I hope I'll figure out what to do with "Dareia Fortress" because right now it's really hard to think of any solution... Or maybe I should just turn it into a normal RPG without any unnecessary complications?

特に「Broken Mirror」と「Erosxalia」には思い入れがあるので、この2つを中心にやっていこうと思います。


Thank you very much for reading!

Also, it's start of autumn! Please, make sure to take care of your health! It may start getting cold soon as the winter approaches.
(Still can't believe the Summer is over already!)

また、秋の始まりでもありますね 体調管理には十分気をつけてくださいね。これから冬に向けて、寒くなってくるかもしれません。

STPerfectKazeko. 2022/08/07 16:26

ブログエントリー - 8月のスタート

I've been wondering, how to properly start this blog entry. I'm not sure how to explain it, but I think I'm at the point where I severely don't feel satisfied by my own alpha build. On top of that, because of my health issues and other problems, I have to invest my time into other duties.
The plan to create every single location of the whole fortress not only was incomplete, but also made me think of inconsistent game design I've picked.

In other words, if MTL butchers my words I'm going to say this phrase:
I was wrong. This idea is a disaster! And I should not make any false promises again.


私は間違っていた。このアイデアは大失敗だ! そして、私は二度と偽りの約束をしてはならないのです。)

The blue areas drawn on this map is how much of the fortress can be accessed at the time. The general idea was to allow player to complete the four bosses in any order they wish to complete. The bosses then would become stronger after you beat one of them. Yes. If you defeat one boss - the other three BOSSES become stronger!
But, I realized that this creates inconsistency in balance and... In a way it is currently implemented in my game, I don't see potential for artistic realization of it. I think I need to change something!


Anyway, this is Mei...


Her duty is to help YOU to get stronger and provide you all the necessary equipment in your mission: saving your friend and defeating the master of the Fortress.


Her graphic is almost complete, but I still have to do her CG and complete the animation to finally bring her to life. She should provide you with sparring battle to teach you basics of fighting against the enemies.


And of course this is not all! If I AM to continue this project (provided I won't be sucked away by another one D: ), I'll have to finish the rest of battle team...


And yes, yes, I promised to freeze other projects... Well, Erosxalia needs more icons! Why I didn't pick this project instead of Dareia Fortress, it feels so embarrassing to admit that a side-project makes me feel involved more than the primary project I decided to pick. Absurd!

(そして、はい、はい、他のプロジェクトを凍結することを約束しました...。でも、Erosxaliaにはもっとアイコンが必要なんです。なぜDareia Fortressの代わりにこのプロジェクトを選ばなかったのか、それは私の論理を越えています。このプロジェクトは、私が選んだ主要なプロジェクトよりも、副次的なプロジェクトが私を巻き込んでいることを認めるのは、とても恥ずかしいことだと思います。いい意味で。不条理)

I won't do any plan for this month, I just hope I'll be able to finish something. I'll try to focus as much as possible.



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