【Notice of Partial Plan Changes】

Thank you for your continued support.

We are going to discontinue the plans 【小遣いあげちゃうプラン】and 【超八尋育成プラン】at the end of this month. We also plan to change the【すごく八尋育成プラン】from 5,000 yen to 3,000 yen per month. The reason for this change is to organize the plans that have few or no subscribers.

Also, we will discontinue the benefit of "原稿の下描きの一部が先行して見られる場合があります。" will also be eliminated. The reason is that we have decided that it would be better to announce all (that we want to show) rough drafts and drafts as progress that anyone can see.

We apologize for the inconvenience.




