
ブログの記事 (3)



  • 連載作品まとめページを作りました。

  • トップページやプラン説明をリニューアルしました。

Outdated information has been revised.

  • I created a page to summarize serialized works.
    This page was created in anticipation of the future, as the number of serials will increase from July, and the number of past serials should also increase in the future.
    By looking at this page, you can see at a glance what is currently serialized and what has been finished.

  • The top page and plan descriptions have been renewed.
    For a long time, I had not changed the plan descriptions I wrote in the early days of the site, so there were discrepancies between the descriptions and the actual updates. I apologize for that.
    (This page)
    From July update, it will be back to 4 times a month. The contents are also as described. Thank you for your continued support.



【Blog】After Kemoket Report



Hello. I'm Kotoki from Tuberose.
This is the first time in my life that I have participated in this event, as a circle participant in the "New Year's Kemoket 10".
I learned a lot of things, some happy things, some disappointing things. I had a lot of experiences in a short time.
I would like to write a blog-like article about it as well as a report on the results.

But first, I will advertise.

The newest release,[パラシティックアストレイ - ZERO - The erosion of loneliness] is now on sale!
The downloadable version has already sold more than 150 copies as of now..! Thank you!
And the physical book is also available by mail order!

Download links

Click on the logo to jump to the sales site.

The contents are the same no matter which site you purchase. Please use the site you usually use or the one that is easy to use.
Paid plan subscribers can use the 30% off coupon only at DLsite. Click here for more details

Goods and physical book are available here.

【physical book】

Physical books are available for sale through the link.
There are about 15 books in stock.
International shipping is described below.


Acrylic goods are also available. However, stock is low.
The next event in May, I will not be making any goods, so restocking will probably be in September at the earliest.

【rare goods】

The flags used at the event were also for sale. However, it was sold out!

About International Shipping

Because BOOTH supports international shipping, international customers can also buy goods.
Click here for more information.

After kemoket report

↑ This is my booth! I think I was successful in creating a gorgeous decoration, but there was also a problem that my face was not visible to the customers! A point that needs to be improved!

I really enjoyed my first event. I talked to people I had known before the event but had never met before, and some hardcore fans came to the event...! For the first time in my life, I was asked to sign autographs...!
I would say that roughly based on the number of books sold, there were about 4 to 50 people who came to my booth.
I would have liked to have had more people come, but I think I did pretty well for a first-time participant.

I understand that I myself am not well known. However, the Parasitic Astray series has sold well, so I thought it was pretty well known, but I had the impression that many of the visitors to my booth had never read this series.
The Collector's Edition, which is a compilation, was made for the hardcore collectors who bought the downloadable version but wanted the actual book as well.
However, most of the people who bought that had never read the series, so they bought it along with the new book.
Does this mean that the group of people who buy the downloadable editions and the group that comes to the event are quite different...?
This kind of information is only available if I attend the event, so in that sense, I felt that my participation in this event was very fruitful.

In terms of my name recognition, I was still very disappointed that there was such a long period of time when no customers showed up. I knew that, but it was excruciating to strongly feel that I was a minor artist.
Also, I felt lonely and painful to see other artists getting along with each other from a distance... I want... friends...
But that doesn't mean I didn't talk to the artists. There were artists I got to know this time, and some of them came to my booth after I bought their works! I was very happy to see them!
I think these two problems caused by name recognition can be solved if I continue to participate in events.
I will continue to attend events to increase my name recognition and to make more friends!

Also, one of the things I strongly felt when I participated for the first time was how many wonderful artists there are in the world....
I am not very good at SNS, so I don't visit X very often, and the only place I have seen doujinshi is DLsite.
I didn't know that there were so few artists who also released downloadable versions of their works. There were so many artists who drew wonderful illustrations that I didn't know about. I was really surprised!
I spent more than 20,000 yen on impulse purchases of books with wonderful pictures just by looking at the covers.
I was so excited about the event that I was praising all the artists for their wonderful drawings. It is embarrassing to think about it now.
I bought most of the books by jacket, so I often bought only the middle of a series, and I'm thinking that I'll buy the whole series when I find the artist at the next event because I'm interested in the story.
When I participate as an artist, I don't have much time to look at other artists' books. But I bought quite a lot of books and would have spent much more money if I had attended as a regular attendee.
I would love to attend the event again and buy some great books...

The next event will be in Kansai, a place I've never been before, so I'm a bit nervous, but I'm going to apply for it anyway.
But I don't know if I will go if I am not selected...! I want to go, but...!

Future plans.

I have been in a bit of a slump and haven't drawn new manga for a long time, but after drawing for the first time in a while, I realized how much I love drawing manga.
Even the feeling of being chased by deadlines is endearing.
However, I am not good at managing a schedule, and I think it is quite difficult for me to draw comics, do commissions, and draw supporter rewards.
I don't know how to improve on that... I guess there's no other way to put it than to try my best to manage my schedule...
I've been working on an irregular schedule to meet deadlines, but it's time to get back to my original schedule. Oh, it's so hard to make a weekly schedule!

As for my next manga, I'm thinking of making a short book!
To make a living, I really want to publish a new book every month or two.
However, it is quite tiring to publish a long and challenging book like the Parasitic series at that pace.
So I'm thinking of making several books with shorter stories.
I bought a lot of books at the event, and I thought that long manga with strong stories are great, but thin manga that are all erotic are also great.
That's why I want to draw thin books that are all erotic! Maybe I'm going back to my roots in a way?

I may not be able to draw Parasitic Astray 4 in time for the next event, but I will be publishing several new thin books. But of course I have an idea for Para 4. I will draw it. I will definitely do it this year!

Oh, that's right!
I have been on a pause due to preparations for the event, but I will make the animation for the supporters' bonus by the end of this month..! I'll start working on it tomorrow...!




Click here for the English version of the article




新作、[パラシティックアストレイ−ZERO-The erosion of loneliness]が販売中!

























