100 Groin Attacks Game!"Buster Fantasia" Official

Hentai PC game including more than 100 kinds of Groin Attacks,
"Buster Fantasia"!!
From 2023/2/10, "Buster Fantasia" will be on sale in DL Site Japan!!

DL SITE JAPAN(in English language)

Game Languages (Rough translation)
English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, French, Itaian, German, Korean, Portuguese

**But this game is not recommending groin attacks in real society.
As the expression in fictional game only, please enjoy this!

Confirm sample groin attack motions!↓

YouTube BusterFantasiaOfficial


Introduction of "Buster Fantasia"

It's the full voice 3D-action game of only groin attacks.
The winning target is to become Enemy's HP as 0,
until your HP as not 0.

1. Normal Attacks (Groin Attacks)

Match Mouse on Enemy : "Power Charging"

Mouse on enemy : charging attack power.
If you charging for a while, stars appears on Left-below icons.
By consuming one star, you can do each attacking actions.

X key, Left-Click : "Shooting Groin Attack"

Press X key : becoming shooting posture,
By matching mouse on enemy's Holy Point..
Left click to shoot!!
Shooting groin attack can break Green Barrier.
(Green Barrier has shooting icon above enemy)

C key : "Hitting Groin Attack"

C key : becoming hitting posture.
Hitting posture continues to chase Enemy automatically.
While touching enemy...to start hitting groin attack!!
Htting groin attack can break Yellow Barrier.
(Yellow Barrier has Hitting icon above enemy)

V key : "Grasping Groin Attack"

V key : grasping.
Although Grasping needs high-time charging,
high damage toward Enemy!!
Grasping groin attack can break Blue Barrier.
(Blue Barrier has Grasping icon above enemy)

Attacks toward knocked down

If enemy received specific attack,
Enemy will be knocked down state until Timer as 0.
While knock downed state,
you can do additional groin attacks toward knock downed enemy.

2. Avoiding Actions

Right-Click while not moving : "Camera looks at Enemy"

Right-Click while not moving: Camera and player will look at Enemy.
But while moving, camera can not look at enemy correctly.
(Camera will look at others.)

Hold Right-Click : "360-Rolling Camera"

By Holding right-click, you can roll camera freely. (360)

Q or E Key : "Avoiding shooting attack" (Rolling Action)

While Enemy taking shooting posture,
count down timer appears in the monitor.
If timer as 0, enemy will shoot a player.
While timer as 0, if press Q(or E) key...
you can avoid shooting attack by rolling action.

F Key : "Avoiding Hitting Attack" (Making Barrier)

While Enemy taking hitting posture,
Hitting warning appears in the monitor.
While this posture, enemy continues to chase player.
If enemy touch to player, enemy will do hitting attack.
While enemy coming near, press F key...
you can avoid hitting attack by making barrier.
Barrier can also erase enemy's traps.

AWSD key : "Moving(Avoiding grasping attack)"

AWSD key : moving player.
Although useful to all actions,
Especially on enemy's Grasping attack, moving is the only way to avoid it.

Special Attacks (Groin Attacks)

B key : "Set Groin Attacking Trap"

B key : setting trap,
if trap touching to enemy, start trap attack.
Although trap can break all color barrier, cost is higher.

Space Key : "EX Groin Attacks"

Space key : special attack of high damage.
But as cost and starting time is higher, doing attack while enemy knocked down is better.
One character has 4 EX-motions.

(On Training Mode Only): "Y-Posing"

In training mode only, you can fix enemy pose as Y-Posing.
With Y-Posing, you can do groin attacks toward enemy.

Other Mode

Training Mode

You can try to do motion by selecting your character and CPU character freely.
In Training mode, attacking power is infinity.

Trap Room

After defeating Stage-2 boss, you can enter trap room mode.
In trap room, there are some traps which do Holy Attack.
Received damages become as twice.

How to purchase "Buster Fantasia"
(2023/2/10 is Selling Date)

Please download from official DL Site Japan only, to protect your safety!
If you get from other non-official site,
there is possibility of unauthorized using, to send any computer virus to your computer secretly!!

DL SITE JAPAN(in English language)

From 2023/2/10(Selling Date), Enter DL Site Japan and Click on "Doujin/Indie"
(Over 18 ages can enter DL Site Japan)

Search word of "Buster Fantasia" or "バスターファンタジア"

Click "Buster Fantasia" page and click "buy now"

On DL Site Japan, there is some payment methods toward foeigners

Sales Price
900 japanese yen(+TAX)
(In 2023/1/11 Exchange Rate,
Around 6.81US dollar , 46.07 chinese yuan,
6.33 euro, 8,462 South Korean won)
*Sales price to get this game in safety!

DL SITE JAPAN(in English language)

Confirm sample groin attack motions!↓

YouTube BusterFantasiaOfficial




