スタジオレイン 2023/03/26 15:09




*パーティを追放された勇者だけど、仲間に毒を盛られたあげく捨てられた後、女魔王に拾われて寝返ったら幸せになった話。CV 鹿耳鈴 2021/07/14
A story about a brave man who was expelled from his party, but after being poisoned and abandoned by his friends, he was picked up by the female demon king and turned, and became happy.

*ひたすら新人に甘い社長の距離の詰め方がおかしい CV 倉浪あお 2021/08/01
The president's distance from the newcomers is just too much for the newcomers to handle.

*パーティを追放されて心に傷を負った獣人の少女を助けてあげたら心を開いてくれたので一緒に暮らすことになりました。CV 陽 林檎 2021/08/16
I helped a girl, a beastman, who had been banished by her friends and was heartbroken, and she opened her heart to me, so we went to live together.

*ゲーマー女子は君だけに甘えたい CV ニャルぽむぽむ 2021/08/27
Gamer girls want to be pampered only by you

*追放回復術士は傷だらけの村を救いたい CV 鹿耳鈴 2021/08/31
A healer who was kicked out of her party wants to save her vill

*普段は真面目な委員長だけど、SNSでは人気エロ漫画家である事は僕だけが知っている。CV ありがた〜い私 2021/09/07
She's usually a serious chairperson, but only I know that she's a popular erotic manga artist on social media.

*最初の町で100年かけてレベルカンストさせてたら、ラスボスにチート扱いされて泣きながら攻略しないでくださいと懇願されたんだが。CV こりす 2021/09/10
I spent a hundred years leveling up in the first town, and the last boss treated me like a cheat, crying and begging me not to attack.

*田舎のお姉ちゃんとのひと夏の恋 CV みやぢ 2021/09/28
A Summer Love Affair with a Country Sister

*続)パーティを追放された勇者だけど、仲間に毒を盛られたあげく捨てられた後、女魔王に拾われて寝返ったら幸せになった話。続CV 鹿耳鈴 2021/09/28
A story about a brave man who was expelled from his party, but after being poisoned and abandoned by his friends, he was picked up by the female demon king and turned, and became happy part2.

*ダークエルフの餌として捕まった件 2021/10/12
I was caught as bait by the Dark Elves



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