
2023年 04月の記事 (3)

Kagami Works 2023/04/25 16:17

Hスキル "ツリーと "研究 "ポイント



以前の記事で紹介した「会話」システムを覚えていますか? ハナの愛情や欲望を高めるだけでなく、「研究ポイント」を獲得することができるんです。

こんな風に考えてみてください: "ハナが面白いことを言ったから、自分の興味のあるテーマについてネットで調べてみよう "と好奇心を刺激される。








Hiya papaya, fellow Hana enthusiasts!

As we've been discussing the Action system and the "ASK" menu, we've mentioned that you need to learn certain skills to perform actions. Now it's time to reveal how you can learn them.

Remember the Conversation system we talked about in one of the earlier posts? Well, it's not just a way to raise Hana's affection and lust - you can also earn "research points" from it.

Think of them this way: “Hana said something interesting, and it piqued my curiosity enough to do some research online on topics that interest me."

To do that, you can use a laptop in your room.

“How to ask a girl to show me her panties?”

Searching for something like that will unlock the “Show panties” skill, which you can then use from the "ASK" menu in the Action system.

To simplify things, we've created a skill tree from which you can learn all the skills under the same category that looks like this:

As you progress through the game, you'll discover other ways to earn research points besides just talking to Hana. And as your affection level with her increases, you'll earn more points from each conversation.

However, keep in mind that learning a skill is just the first step. Most actions also require a certain level of affection (25+, 50+, 75+), sometimes high enough level of lust, and in some cases, an item. You can’t ask Hana to play with vibrator without having one, right?

Kagami Works 2023/04/17 08:26


Love CompositionはHentai-EXPOのイベントに参加しました!



もし見逃した場合は、後ほどイベントウェブサイトで残りのストリームをキャッチアップすることができます: https://hentai-expo.com/

Love Composition has participated in the Hentai-EXPO event!

We had a great time and were thrilled to see so many people enjoy our showcase.

Make sure to check out the trailer we shared at the event!

If you missed it, you can catch up on the rest of the stream later on the event website: https://hentai-expo.com/

Kagami Works 2023/04/03 16:58

キャラクターデザインのカラーリングの選択 - 花










「Love♪Composition」が、今年のイベント 「Hentai Expo」に登場するそうです!4月15日午後6時(PDT)の予告編をぜひご覧ください。

Hello there!
We would like to discuss some design changes that were made to the characters during development, particularly in their coloring. Look at the thought process behind those changes and explain what they are.

Today we are going to start with Hana!

Hana underwent significant changes in her color palette.
Her initial design was an embodiment of moe and we were pleased with it. However, we later noticed that Hana's bright and saturated colors caused a significant imbalance in the game's overall color palette.

Can you see the strong contrast between Hana and the game?

While working on the recoloring process, we not only focused on achieving harmony between the game and the character.

Considering the nature of our game, we wanted to amplify Hana's erotic appeal. Moreover, we took into account that the game takes place on an island in the middle of the ocean, where the sun is strong, so we looked for changes that would better fit the setting.

The final result was a significant improvement!

Hana's darker tone and overall less saturated colors allowed her to blend better into the game's overall color design, making her a more fitting part of the game's setting and numerous H scenes, as her new colors better emphasized her sexual appeal.

How about you? Do you like Hana's new version?

"Love♪Composition" will appear at this year's event "Hentai Expo"! Be sure to check out the trailer on April 15th at 6pm PDT.



