

自動機械人形の せみや です。






5月支援金は墨佳遼先生の「 獣人・擬人化 人外デザインのコツ 」の購入に充てさせて頂きました!




こんな思考回路で今回のリクエストのキャラクターが生まれましたので、お暇な時にお読みいただければ幸いです(^ ^)

<狐型巫女アンドロイド ナズナ>


私のぽんこつ電子頭脳をカリカリ動かしていたら、モニターをせり出す構造にすればメンテの際の文字も大きく見せることができるのではっ・・・(O_O)!という発想に至り、そこからは早かったです(^^) 巫女+ケモ+ロボというまさに属性のオンパレードで描いてて楽しい作品でした!

<魔王軍第6軍団長 機巧魔導師 ネヴィスト>









<多様性推進アンドロイド 長谷川 柚希>


前回もそうでしたが、優等生キャラがかなり学園生活に溶け込んでいるのに結局は備品扱いでメチャクチャにされてしまう・・・というのが素敵シチュで楽しく創作することができました(^ ^)

<守護天使 ホワイトピュア>
超次元ネプテューヌのキャラクター「ホワイトハート」ちゃんご指定のリクエストでしたが、原則、二次創作を行わない方針のため「オマージュ」という形で創作させて頂きました(^ ^)








ci-en→ https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/18685



※ci-en開始理由詳細はこちら→ https://www.fanbox.cc/@be9g2wfw/posts/5831437





To my supporters (masters) and all those who view my work

My name is Semiya, an automatic machine doll.

I would like to thank all the masters who have decided to continue to support me,
New supporters,
and past supporters,
Thank you very much.

Also, to all of you who have been reading my posts, thank you for following, liking, and bookmarking.

I am a little relieved to have finished posting all the attribute (tag) requests I announced in April!

I am not sure how much I have touched you, but I am very happy to have been able to communicate with you all through my work!

We are very happy to have had the opportunity to interact with you all!
We used the May support funds to purchase "Tips for Designing Beastmen and Anthropomorphic Non-Human Designs" by Mr. Sumika Ryo!

I realized that I could not come up with a good design for the characters when I started working on the attribute request this time. I wanted to draw more characters of various shapes and sizes, but I felt that I was always going in the same direction, so I purchased the above book.

The book contains many basic ideas for character design, and I would like to make use of them in my future creative activities so that I can create more attractive characters.

Review of the Requests
This is a review of the attribute requests we solicited this time!
This is how we came up with the characters for this request, and we hope you enjoy reading it when you have time.

<Fox-shaped miko android Nazuna
The tag specifications were: chemo-robo, strong chemo-element, mecha-bare, fox, under maintenance, miko outfit, breasts open and close left and right, maintenance monitor inside the breasts, irrumatio, and penetration.

The tag specification was "maintenance monitor in the chest," but if all the tags were to be reflected, the entire body would have to be included in one screen, and the text on the monitor in the chest would inevitably be too small! This made me a bit worried about the composition of the image.

I was struggling a bit with the composition of the tag, and after some brainstorming, I came up with the idea that if the monitor were to protrude from the chest, it would be possible to make the text on the maintenance monitor look bigger... (O_O)! It was fun to draw this work with its parade of attributes: priestess + chemo + robot!

<Nevisto, a crafty mage, commander of the 6th Legion of the Demon King's Army.
The tag designations were "tiki tiki," "wizard," "glasses," "unsure," and "deactivation.

A combination of tags that would never have come up in my mind (!). So I wondered what kind of illustration would be a tiki-tiki situation with "wizard"... At first, my electronic brain was tic-tac-toe (O_O) lol.

The tag "let me know" made me think of a character who is both a magician and arrogant. I thought "I don't know", so I thought of a character who is a wizard and arrogant.

So I thought, "Tentacles" would be a good choice in a fantasy world. And so "Nevisto," an arrogant automatic mechanical doll belonging to the demon king's army, was born, and he started talking on his own from there.

I thought the second form was too much. I thought so, but I went ahead with it (O_O).

Personally, I like the arrogant yet slightly silly feeling, and I was happy to have created a wonderful character (^^)

<The grandmother of the dragon-shaped mechanical doll
The story was about an old lady with a dragon-shaped mechanical doll who was raped by a malicious employee at a demolition yard and then slowly put into a crusher while it was still in operation. This was the designation.

The story was based on the worldview that there were many machines of the same type as the grandmother of the dragon-shaped mechanical doll in the past, and it would be a waste if the story was a dream ending...! So, I tried to destroy the same type of machine. I had never posted a situation where I had to destroy a machine by its parts, so I was glad to be able to explore a new situation (^^).

Also, the grandmother of the dragon-shaped mechanical doll is one of the characters that I have a personal attachment to, and I was very happy to be able to specify her!

<Yuzuki Hasegawa, Diversity Promotion Android
The tag designations were "robot girl," "glasses," "honor student," "tiki tiki," "modification," "mecha-bare," "bitchy," and "masturbation.

This is a continuation of a story I previously posted about a world with diversity-promoting androids. Since an honor student character was destroyed by a delinquent character, the story naturally turned out to be about a betrayal by a trusted person!

As was the case last time, the honor student character is quite integrated into school life, but ends up being treated as a fixture and messed up... It was a wonderful situation and fun to create (^ ^)

<Guardian Angel White Pure
The character "White Heart" from "Hyperdimension Neptunia" was the one you requested, but since it is our policy not to create derivative works, we created this in the form of an "homage" (^ ^ ^).

I had only heard of Hyperdimension Neptunia by name, but when I saw a movie in which Whiteheart appeared, I learned that she is a goddess who protects the town and is a foul-mouthed, sharp-tongued character, and from there the story naturally came about on its own.

It was the first time for me to create a story based on an existing work, but it was a good discovery for me personally to know that I could create a new work in this way as well.

That's all for now.

The reason why we decided to use tag requests this time is that we hope that masters will feel more at ease in making requests! I hope that all masters will feel free to make requests this time.

I am just thankful that we were able to create a project that was so unique to FANBOX.

About the opening of ci-en
We are pleased to announce that ci-en, which we announced the other day, has been newly established in May!


Basically, the contents of FANBOX and ci-en will remain the same, and we will post everything we post on FANBOX to ci-en (and vice versa).

We have already posted the "full-length differences" posted on FANBOX in the past on ci-en as zip files on a monthly basis.

Previously published material is omitted because it has already been posted on pixiv.
For details on the reason for the start of ci-en, please visit -> https://www.fanbox.cc/@be9g2wfw/posts/5831437

That is all.

Once again, thank you very much for your support in May and for all the attribute requests. It was a real pleasure to interact with all of you masters through your works.

May all the masters have a peaceful sleep today!

Automated mechanical doll



