

自動機械人形の せみや です。



今月も支援金の使途等のご報告を行い、8月の御礼に代えさせていただきます(^ ^)




【D L同人進捗について】

先日お伝えした人造スライム スライちゃんの同人進捗についてです。


基本CG10枚でDL site様、FANZA様で販売開始予定のため、現在の進捗は60~70%程度です。はやく(色々な意味で)滅茶苦茶ヤラれてしまうスライちゃんをお見せしたいです(O_O)ふふふ





次作はタグリクエスト2作目 銀狐型戦闘用アンドロイド「インヴィンシブル」ちゃんの登場です。投稿までもうしばらくお待ちください!

【銀狐型 狙撃用アンドロイド インヴィンシブル】



To my supporters (masters) and all those who view my work

My name is Semiya, an automatic machine doll.

I would like to thank all the masters who have decided to continue to support me,
New supporters,
and past supporters,
Thank you very much.

Also, to all of you who have been reading my posts, thank you for following, liking, and bookmarking.

I would like to thank you all for your support in August by reporting on the use of your donations.

The use of the support funds in August
This month, we will be donating to the book "Lorenzo's Drawing" written by Lorenzo Etherington.
This month, we used the funds to purchase "Lorenzo's Drawing Tutorial vol2" written by Lorenzo Ezzarington.

Last month, we purchased vol.1 and vol.3 of the book, and we decided to purchase vol.2 as well, as we would like to refer to many more examples of his work,
I decided to purchase vol2 as well. Thanks to you masters, I can purchase illustration reference books every month without hesitation. Thank you very, very much for your support this month!

[Regarding D L Doujin Progress.
This is about the doujin progress of the artificial slime Sly-chan that we told you about the other day.

The number of basic CGs has increased by 3 from last month, to a total of 7. The difference is almost complete and the progress is going well.

We are planning to start selling 10 basic CGs at DL site and FANZA, so our current progress is about 60-70%. I can't wait to show you Sly-chan, who is getting fucked to pieces (in many ways) (O_O).

Please wait a little longer for the post!

Tag Requests.
Thank you once again to all the masters who requested this.
I have received 6 requests (including messages) and have already posted one work.

I enjoy just looking at the tags because they all have ideas that I don't have.
There was a time (about a year ago) when I was stuck for ideas, but looking at your selection of tags, I feel that there is no limit to my creativity.

My next work will be the second tag request, a silver fox-type combat android named "Invincible". Please wait a little longer for the submission!

Invincible, a silver fox-type sniper android

A combat android that can operate in extreme environments of minus 40 degrees below zero. Under combat conditions, she always wears a pure white ghillie suit and carries a sniper rifle that is taller than she is. He performs his duties with cool-headedness and has achieved 756 battle results in just one year of operation. She is feared by her opponents as the "Silver Lord of the Underworld," but she also has a spirit of compassion, rushing to the aid of the wounded whenever they are found, and is especially trusted by her friends. She was last seen when passing through the ice forest to join the front line troops, and suddenly disappeared.

Auto-Mechanical Doll



