MedioTing 2023/08/01 20:16

在CI-EN的支援 | CI-ENのサポート | About support in CI-EN


The confirmation fee will only be deducted by 10% from the new support fund of the current month, and 100% of the remaining amount will be transferred to the next month until the total amount exceeds 5,000 yen then transfer to me personally
I will continue to use CI-EN for now
Honestly, I like CI-EN's stream, but patreon doesn't have censorship and can really support my life
Now that CI-EN has been in operation for three months, I will try to operate CI-EN for another three months to see
But if there is no other way, we may only reprint non-adult content updates in patreon in the future, and regard CI-EN as a platform for publicity to reduce the workload

經營CI-EN 91日,至今沒有得到任何收入


~~4000円になったら、その月は400円取られて3600円になり、その月の支援がなければ3600円から360円取られて3240円になり、その月の支援が2日(500円×2=1000円)あれば4240円に戻るだけだが、その月は10%取られることになり、また424円損することになる。 つまり、サポーターの一人が全体の90%近くを失うことになる。

~~After inquiring about it, it seems that CI-EN deducts 10% from the total amount of support each month.
And CI-EN will only transfer the money to me when the amount of support reaches 5000 yen.
With the current amount of support, it seems unlikely that we will reach 5000 yen for a long time, and during that time, most of your support will be collected by CI-EN as a handling fee.
I have been running CI-EN for 91 days and have not gotten any income so far.
I will consider closing the support channel of CI-EN in the next few days.
I don't want my supporters' money not to reach me, and I don't mind CI-EN charging a handling fee, but it's too much to take 10% of the money that's about to reach the amount of money that's going to be transferred every month...

~~When the amount reaches 4000 yen, 400 yen will be taken out of that month, leaving 3600, and if there is no support for that month, 360 yen will be taken out of 3600, leaving 3240, and if there are two days of support for that month (500 yen X2=1000 yen), it will only go back to 4240, but then 10% will be taken out of that month, which means that 424 yen is lost, and that is a lot of money. In other words, one of the supporters will lose almost 90% of the total support.

I'm still trying to understand, if this is true, I won't use CI-EN as a support method anymore.




