UndergroundR34Artist 2024/02/17 01:55

Progress 4

"ETA 07.02"

Greetings, everyone.

When I was typing that I'd like to post on 7th of February, I didn't expect at all what kind of week I'd have then.
Unfortunately, there was quite a lot of unexpected and very bad things happening, that I had to deal with. Some days it feels like life will do anything to make sure you can't do what you like...
Excuse me for being cryptic about it, but I don't really want to bring doom and gloom of reality here too much.
Situation is somewhat stabilised now.
So, in short, sorry for being later than my usual late. Hopefully I'll be able to create paizuri content in peace now.

On a relevant topic

I haven't just dealt with the issues, but also am sitting at 2 AM here, because I didn't want to come empty-handed after 2 weeks of silence.

Yes, it is another movement animation. However, in this one, you can be just like the cool and handsome dude from a shoujo manga.
(Note: Author of this game finds carrying a girl in arms to be super romantic and just wanted to have it in the game.)

Next one

I'll be trying to post on 22.02.
Don't forget to check the actual zuri below.
Also, small note, if you find expressions of her... not expressive, it's because they're mostly for show off. I'd like to implement a more dynamic system, in which she would have different facial expressions under different circumstances.







